04 April 2019

JM Muse Chronicles Film noir Jörn scene continues

Jörn: I did not know who you were when I first saw you in the lobby

Beth does not reply. She waits watching him. Her face obscured and just the set of her shoulders expresses the sense of something like a bird waiting to take flight

Jörn: I found out from the doormen who you were

Beth: the doormen?

Jörn (shrugs and inclines his head downstairs): so I read your blog.... going back a few months and....

Here he stops to reflect as if only just recalling an observation

Jörn: I started to dig around. I half suspect that is how they figured out .... yes, min lilla duva, I do have some connections with.... secret intelligence

Beth: some connection?

Jörn (does not reply but rather stares st her and shrugs)

Beth: I see.... you mean you are a spy?

Jörn: I wouldn’t say that

Beth looks at him and they trade looks

Jörn (with a reluctant sigh): not.... exactly

He is caught by her look

Jörn (Again a shrug): not .... per se.... so to speak

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