28 March 2019

Orpheus JM muse chronicles: Scene 1 of The Pirate with the Vampire Eyes parallel drama

It is a market scene by a port circa 870’s

The one known as the Pirate With the Vampire Eyes is seen leaving the long boat and he walks to the market to trade his hides

He carries his crafted swords he forged in a thick sack he carries on his back.

His long, gold-blond hair is caught back and tied in a leather cord and he walks with a proud and energetic gait up the beach to the market among a group that leaves with him off his ship

He is seen walking as the scene of the market’s activities fill the screen

The camera shot pulls back to cover the scope and then capture the scene of when the Pirate we shall call “Raoul” first lays eyes upon the Girl, whom shall be called “Elan”

He is dressed in warrior clothes and armor

Now in profile of Raoul watching her with her father. Her father is wearing the dark blue woad robes of a Druid medicine man. He is a healer and he is also a soothsayer. He travels from port to port with his daughter. There is a scrying bowl on a wood table made of crystal and jars of herbs and teas. There is also a small harp which he now picks up to play, sending his daughter out to search the beach for moonstones

Father: It is low tide now, Elan (his eyes peer at the sky)

Elan (wears a long dark blue woad dyed robe, the hood covers her head except for long red locks that escape it; she wears a pendant that falls to her waist that is a heavy silver crescent moon; bows to her father): yes father

Father: don’t forget to si—

Elan: to sing the incant; yes I know, Father

Father: To the four winds

Elan ignores him and picks up her basket and as she does she begins to hum the incant but this is when she sees Raoul and she stops suddenly stunned by him

In profile the two on the screen in silhouette

In slow motion she drops her basket. It rolls right to him. He grins at her as his eyes openly expose more than a decent interest in her. She reacts at first with fear by suddenly jumping back from him. But she then stops as if magnetically pulled to stare back at him.

He picks up her basket and hands it to her. She stares and slowly takes it from him. Bends in a curtsy and rushes quickly towards the direction through the market that leads to the beach

He watches and then looks towards the stall where he saw her come from. Raoul narrows his eyes on the father thoughtfully before he slowly walks towards the stall

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