06 April 2023


The house on the hill continued

She goes through the villege on foot and finds her way through the trees. Peace at last. And forgets the world. She forgets about all which darken her world; she puts aside atrocities and things that are sad but beyond her control ….she stares into green….she lets it blind her, she gives herself up to it, and she says “I am myself,” as she breathes out

She walks through a grove and feels suddenly lightheaded. Was it the water she drank too fast? And berates herself for being an idiot. She looks around to be sure no one sees her as she feels about ready to pass out. She finds the nearest bench and sits ….what happened back there? she asks herself ….breathe…. 

when she looks at her phone to see the time —it shocks her to see it is ten minutes later

she must have ….

So she gets up and casually looks around to see it anyone witnessed her there. And walks towards the center of town. 

She goes into the health food store and asks up at the front if they have any tofu

A man behind her chuckles and so she turns.

Someone with a crate of exactly that is behind her. A delivery person? 

He is tall with that kind of wavy hair that has its own mind. It is gold in the sunlight and eyes like …. she is distracted 

“I can give you a discount,” he tells her and inclines his head towards the door 

She realizes he means to go outside as he seems about to leave with what he has in his arms  

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