21 October 2019



It is because I dream a bad dream. It is a disturbing dream. Like one of many .... I fear sleep because of this

the dreams haunt me always

“I don’t want this....”


and so I go and search the closet

I look for something clean. And then pace back and forth to the sink in the bathroom to the medicine cabinet .... i search and search for something ..... because it never goes away

There is a loft gallery where the upper floor rooms face out and at night all the bare windows downstairs scare me. The windows are so dark. They have a million eyes. Their faces are skulls

Barefoot on the floor I am silent through to the kitchen where there is a door and so I go because they chase me

I seek the familiar; the earth and throw myself down

and as always the only place that I ever feel safe; next to the earth with the trees to watch over the water

to watch over the water .... to wait for him

the hands that pull her from the water because he brought her back.... and dried her hair with the hides and made her clean again

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