“No he’s not thinking of just his one term—he’s building an empire,”
Jörn’s voice carries high up to the rafters of the barn house from below
but I stay back by the railings
the Swedish ‘UN’ (as I like to call them) are in privy council
as the American wife of my Interpol spy chief I can only reflect. And consider …. the chronicles of history and the ancient great minds of philosophers and political thinkers ….the mind reaches mostly in hope for the bestowing of some kind wisdom to be imparted ….chi-scry into the mental waters as I sit up against the corner walls by the hall where the edges meet
to come to the mountains again
seems to call upon some awareness to search a higher consciousness; inches from Montreal I feel the currency from every polar direction
and more…. the moon is reaching its fullness
the apocalyptic chasm within the human soul
is at war with the deception of a make believe world at the cost of everyone’s blood
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