15 January 2023

E.d. Film noir screenplay draft notes continued


(This would follow the pilot episode that I posted just before this one)

~This seems the best way to proceed by illustrating my vision here~

The following are more from my screenplay writing of last year; sketch notes for scenes (and the typos and irregulars are due to the stress of the situation of the stalker I was at the time trapped by, so forgive all the noise of the chaos) of parts from the blog as arranged into the screenplay draft:


And the mysterious first haunting notes now are heard

Which will be Jörn’s opera 


Image in silhouette of Jörn at piano and haunting notes of his opus are introduced 

And the shadows like bats on the wsll

Narrator’s voice who is the one telling the story/author of story says: To be inserted into intro modern part of script as over voiced narrative by Electra

—the past has a fucked up way of holding on to you.... it haunts and repeats

when you don’t know who you are —it makes everything uncertain

It makes you search for what defines you

who is she, what is her name?

it forces you to prove yourself to yourself over and over

 .... I’ve stared for hours at my reflection looking for my father who made me Electra searching for meaning in a self made dictionary— a voice? When I can hear his voice on the Internet because there he still is accessible and how strange is that? This mystery who was my father is known on the internet and in history books but not really known to me. I can stare at his famous pictures and see my smile in his.... so I stare at my reflection in search of him and wonder about DNA memory

I think more gets passed on than the genes —I think obsessions get passed down too; those unresolved dark horses hidden in the attics

I think of my discussions with Nigel about DNA memory

and my discussions with Gerald about the infinite memory of a soul

I think about ….

—break to next scene—


Jörn: I stumbled across your blog when I got curious about you…. and interestingly enough, I have been reading the entry about when you had been approached by an investigator back in The Hague—and something about that really sticks out in my mind....

Electra: Why?

OVERVOICE : I ask why ....but I am really too stunned and wondering how far back he has read.

Jörn: Because —you said you had something happen to you.... some mystery about how your arm became suddenly paralyzed....? Your legal father—

He notices her shudder and stops a moment thoughtfully and watches her

He is analyzing her expressions closely

Electra: no, I’m sorry I mean, how did you find my blog?

Jörn: on the internet —it was not hard to find

Electra: or do I mean to ask —why?

Jörn: I got curious whose mail I was getting ….

Electra: are you always so curious?

OVERVOICE: language is a good place to hide a dictionary

He looks at her with an enigmatic expression and seems a bit perturbed 

Electra: about people? Or all things? 

He smiles

Jörn: all things— you say you search for meaning often in your blog—and identity ….so….your father— did he travel often for business— ? it just makes me curious because you also write quite a lot about nefarious dealings in your blog—

She moves her head sharply to look at him

Jörn: I assume you must know people can read this! 

She walks around and sits back down to where they had been sitting

Jörn is still talking in a way in order to reel her in

Jörn: ….and if it were dull I wouldn’t have bothered, so….

He watches her before he says

Jörn: did you say that one day he left suddenly on a mysterious business trip after….?

Electra stands up and walks to his window to look outside

Electra: the blood test —yes….

She stands by the window looking out. He watches her

After a moment

Electra: I know what you’re thinking....

Jörn: that your father’s business had to have been a cover operative ….and …. It’s a fascinating read…. and I found myself wondering….. things don’t make sense about what happened after your return to the US. Why your assault was never reported and you were never taken to see a doctor....

[She turns her back to him now and to the camera]

OVERVOICE: I don’t like these things about my past. I hate remembering them. 

She is seen from the side as she covers her face inside her hands looking down. 

After several long beats, camera pulls back so we see Jörn is watching her too

Electra: So you think you are piecing together clues. What is that about? Do you think there’s an old Cold War political plot?

“No, I think that your legal father was trying to have you murdered— what was the cause of the paralysis? Did they ever discover the reason? Some kind of virus was it? But then the doctor discovered you had a spinal injury from childhood....?

She suddenly spins around to face him but for our sake the camera only gets this all from behind her movements as she faces him. And we see behind her and see instead Jörn looking at her

Electra: Jörn—even if there is some kind of mystery there, do you really think it has any baring on the present?

She is staring at him. We know because all of her body is turned to him. She looks up at him. 

Something has changed between them by what he has said.

She feels he knows her from her words and is affected by this

And for whatever reason some known and some unknown, he is also affected by her 

He moves over near her and looks at her

Jörn: The only way to look at truth, my tragic Electra, is by acknowledging the whole truth about who you are—do you understand the necessity of acknowledgement? Otherwise you are not really wholly conscious, are you? So how can any personal discovery hold merit as a Truth?

Jörn through his expressions that are always just out of her view

Electra with her body language that is also hidden from him 

But now she seems to be suddenly in awe through his words and suddenly awkward

As a clear defense mechanism she suddenly turns away 

Jörn: You are caught in your own shackles and will run out of air unless you give the mermaid back her voice! ….

She turns to stare at him in surprise for knowing so much about her from her own words

Jörn: you are an artist haunted by a past and the only way to be released is through your work expression. Your work is necessary not for commercial success so much as the need to express this as an artist’s right for existence.

Electra: Ok—yeah, great in a perfect world, but how do I do that now when these crimes are too late to be put to justice—for this purpose of acknowledgment??

Jörn: But is that not the whole purpose of your ‘dictionary’—defining, you are defining, yes? That is your proof that you search for. The one that gives you permission. This is your acknowledgment 

[Jörn gestures wide with his arms ….this may suggest either the film we are viewing or his reference to it/or both]

Jörn: You say in your blog, almost in every entry; you are interested in learning about the purpose of each of our lives; existentialism; purpose and Truth; what you say —what do you call it? A documentary told through the lens of an artist…. You say it’s your pilgrimage and your dictionary…. but what is it all about .... ? You are seeking truth…. and meaning…. with this ‘project’ that is you —and you as you write ….you are delving through and searching for purposes of ones meaning ….or the significance of an individual’s individual identity.... why these differences in all of us have purpose—isn’t that what you wrote the other night?


~and it would unfold~

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