15 April 2020

Some More thoughts

it was one weekend, about two weeks ago or so— no —more, that about a hundred vehicles came up from New York City— five and a half hours away to drive. In less then a week we went from no cases to our first case. By the end of two weeks we had over 80. Somehow I suspect for me it arrived through the mail as it attaches to fibers like paper and cardboard. Anything like plastic and stainless steel too. 

I’ve had no contact with anything —then one day I got the mail, as I tend to avoid things like that —and I didn’t feel good from that day on, each day it got worse. 

I am still not feeling well. It seems to relapse and ....before my chest hurt really bad —as it got hard to breath

....I think it passed

They say it is worse at night and I think I’m scared of night right now

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