17 April 2020

crawling from the tomb ....

often I am aware on this journey that I am being guided

often in my work those moments are acutely made aware

a sense the other night

It was some time between wake and sleep or still sleep when I felt him; I felt as if the sun was coming into the room and I was with him —just like the first time I dreamed of him, this time I felt his arms around me .....and it seemed then it would be all right and I went back to sleep

I didn’t wonder if I was asleep or if it was dream or real as it was most real

as I start to become stronger and realize the last two weeks are a blur that seems to me not so long, I must have been sleeping through most of it without knowing how many days it was

only I find I don’t like what the world has been up to and wonder even more with a worse heavy sense what I am doing in it and think I’d rather stay in my tomb 

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