© d.m.Lewis, 2013-present; Electra's dictionary is Copyright protected. These words and images (unless otherwise credited) are original to the author. All rights reserved
28 May 2019
Shifting props behind scenes in a dictionary; a Tootsie kind of nightmare day
and so, because the session with Gerald is still too heavy to write about yet —you will have to forgive me, dictionary, if I opt to avoid
upon leaving Gerald’s
but then, it becomes a Tootsie (the film) kind of day bumping into Nigel after
How he says that Jörn might be something vomited from Hell....? is that how he said it—?
I half don’t hear nor understand anything Nigel says after that. Maybe I short circuit more easily than the average person
I have a cap on how much my emotions can take before I need to run for cover
I say at such point,
“I must go,” to him
Nigel reaches for me as I get up from the table and throw my bag on to go
“I’m just worried about you,” he says to me
“Well—gosh, I don’t know what to say about that....” and I look right at him. I no longer see his lighthouse somehow though ... I mean I think I have a bad habit of self delusion—especially about men; I give them far too much credit and in hindsight I always realize I seem to fill in my fiction where they lack and credit it all not to myself
“Listen, I am sorry about how it went down between us,” I apologize because I have a moment of feeling guilt but I add, “maybe you hoped for something I’m not wired for—I don’t mind that you may be bisexual as so was I once but I was always monogamous and to simplify this for you, Nigel....” I study his eyes now that have lost their power over me and, yes, there is a sadness about this, to be sure, but not when you realize it was never based on a truth, “it’s not that I cannot be broad minded about being capable of having an open relationship but— well, you never asked me nor considered and still, as I’d have said no, anyway— it is not physically possible for me to be close to someone intimately once I don’t trust them. I just am not equipped that way....”
He stares back at me and after this moment when I see his eyes go red I decide I have to go
“But I—“ he begins
“No!” because I can feel what he’s about to say and actually run now for the door out of Starbucks only he runs after me outside and he says it anyway as I am rushing away from him
“I love you,” he says this
I cover my ears and say,
“No-no-no, stop! Please! You made a choice—do not make me the bad guy!”
“Don’t you think your Viking might just be rebound?”
“Please ....stop calling him that. He’s a musician, he’s not a fucking Viking—and you know nothing about our relationship, you have no business even going there, ok?”
“You know— I saw him leave your apartment building the other day and meet up with a woman,” Nigel tells me
“What? Have you been stalking me, Nigel? You know.... let me go, I need to go—I’ve had such a day, do you mind—?”
He grabs my hand and pulls at my phone that I have my fingers wrapped around and he says,
“please un-block me!” and he grabs my phone
I look down the street wanting to be gone from here.... I think that is the only way he’ll let me go so I say,
“Ok, fine,” and pull my phone from him. I open him in contacts and unblock him. I show him this now. Then I send him a text to prove it. I do a smile—
I look at him,
“Will you message me later?” he asks me
I look at him and then again down the street. Later.... ? how long is later, I wonder
I sigh heavily and say,
“Ok, listen, I have some things I want to ask you about DNA memory and, how ‘bout I try and text you tomorrow?”” Yeah? Ok—so, yeah—ok?”
I dread the hug but then he does it
and then I start to run down the street and lose myself in the crowds
but I still hear him calling after me
It is after a few streets of weaving in and out of in order to feel free of him that I finally take a deep breath and slowly head back to the apartment building but finding myself taking the long way back
It is some gear shifting when I realize I have to face the Swedish chorus and....
Jörn which after everything
still, I arrive at the apartment building far quicker than I had expected to and find myself in the lobby standing by the postal boxes and staring at the very spot I saw Jörn for the very first time. I don’t know why but I am somehow frozen to stand there
It is awhile before I realize he is suddenly standing there. He makes me jump in fright
“What are you doing?” he asks me and comes over to me
“How long have you been there?” I ask him
“How long—? I just stepped out of the elevator and I saw you—what’s wrong?—where have you been? I sent you a text,” he says
I take out my phone as I had thrown it into my bag which must have muffled the sound, but the text messages opens up to my last :) to Nigel
I nervously cover it but he doesn’t notice and then I open to his
It simply says: where are you? Im starting to worry
Which makes me think of what Nigel said before. And the other thing he said. What woman?
I look up at him
He reads my eyes,
“what?” he asks
“I went to see Gerald,” I say through all the static going on
But then his phone does his mother’s operatic “Oooooh!!!!” alert tone that makes us both jump
He looks at his phone,
“Come,” he says pulling me back outside
“Mama.... I—“ still he drags me along skipping the necessity of explanation or invitation
“Where are we going?” I ask
and then we are walking to the corner convenience store
I look up at him and then at my wrist in his hand,
“sometimes I think you must must confuse me with your daughter!”
He lets go my wrist,
“yes, it must be the height thing, förlåt mig—I’m sorry,” and adds “actually, she’s taller than you but you are about the height she was at eleven so, you could be right.”
I realize we are here to do some grocery shopping as he’s methodically grabbing things
“Didn’t you say your parents are leaving soon?” I ask because I’m noticing that he is choosing items by the dozen or such that his mother likes; cinnamon buns, a few bags of split peas, a jar of herring and knäckebröd
He gives me a guilty look and shrugs,
“well—hmm.... as it turns out....”
“Oh no, what....?”
He nods,
“they are going to be here a bit longer....do you need anything? I don’t think you have been eating, you want ice cream?” he asks me
“Ice cream?”
I hand him a half gallon of milk
“Oh, that was the other thing, get the next size, Andreas goes through this.”
Maybe I hand over the gallon a little too hard as I get him in the stomach
We go up to pay
“Anything else?” he asks me partially sarcastic as he asks, “some Loko maybe?”
I decide to take it as a suggestion and go get some
We go up to pay and as the cashier asks if that’s all Jörn asks,
“do you have any straws?”
“We sell the reusable stainless steel ones,” he tells Jörn
“Perfect,” Jörn pays and hands it to me
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