25 December 2021

an artist’s life; dear Santa

so I find myself in this awkward position; because of my circumstances which —is connected with the hand injuries (and other injuries from the incident) from years ago I sustained while trying to pry my attacker’s fingers from my throat so, during the exchange each joint was intentionally bent backward as torture. Over time the joints no longer hold so, I am unable to do every basic thing in life without complex obstacles and now I am struggling in life to support myself as my old jobs I cannot perform. Today’s problem is, am I showing ingratitude to the people who, out of care for me, have started a GoFundMe for —this pathetic result I have come to—when they ask me to post the GoFundMe on my social media….? as well, why would total strangers care ? but —but this is completely not my comfort zone, I’d assume lay in the ditch; and you know, post it in my social media —so then everyone in my life would know and —things circulate; it could go so badly ….’people’; a sibling and a husband ….but apparently the cause —oh dear!— is not doing so well! sad, lol! —insult on injury 

do they have a Darwin Award for this? 

So the Shop is called “Noir Rubber” 

 perhaps it’s time to do my erotica writings under Ann Ominous

as in paying homage to my literary heroes 

de Sade (not hero) but 

Anaïs  …. so let’s call it Delta dawns Venus’ lilla duva and mythologies of the dawnage 

The Rubber shop 

*but, am I joking?!?

 “this is the strangest life I’ve ever known” —J.D.M.

21 December 2021


My Jim obsession

When I was at Bard it was my first exposure to the American culture. But we were up in the mountains and I started there in the dead of winter, short of two weeks after I finished high school in the Netherlands. I was seventeen 

The snow was piled so high that you could not see out the windows in the commons where everyone went for meals. It was a strange place made up of international students, children of wealth or of whose parents were famous movie stars or somehow connected. 

I guess the only connection I had for even being there was for their theatre department as at the time their literary department was buried under the drunken minds of professors there of antiquity. I dropped my duel major because of that, but then—even the other department —theatre—was a huge disappointment 

but what I managed to get out of it were observations of people 

The film professor I had was pretentious as well as self impressed. He looked like he needed a good dip in a flea bath.  We would meet in this ancient building that was set up like a cinema. Seating in those uncomfortable pull-down seats with wood that jabbed your ass bones for two and a half hours. And it was freezing in there. But my first views of Cocteau came from those sessions. The shock of Avant-gard in film style 

I liked the crudeness of the cinema and the old projector 

The class was about fifty students and seemed to fill the theatre 

But there was this one odd guy in my class that stood out to me because —I guess he looked in a vague kind of way, like me —if I were male, had brown hair and was tall; that is, he dressed like me (boots, ponchos, hats), wore his hair like me (shoulder length and long bangs to the side) and sat far in the back hiding in the shadows like me. Back then I was searching for characters for the film I was constantly working on, Bard provided an interesting variety of odd character influences. But this guy—his name was Sean—so even his name was close to mine and I found out his birthday was a day or two near mine. I was not infatuated, more fascinated. As I liked to explore details for my characters, I found out, by chance, things about him from friends who knew him; he was shy and introverted; preferred being alone and …..was obsessed with Jim Morrison 

As I grew up in the Netherlands, I didn’t know about too many American bands or the culture going on. 

So this is how I discovered Jim Morrison. Sean was a film major like me and, as it turned out, so had been Jim Morrison. I happened upon Jim Morrison’s poetry soon after reading No One Here Gets Out Alive—which is what saved me from killing myself after my rape and —surviving my out of body death experience— at school and so, you see….once reading Jim Morrison’s words— I was changed forever. If anyone was like a mirror, it was Jim. The Oedipal I recognized right away and his methods of hiding his secrets with Socratic riddles 

a deeply philosophical and literary intellectual who used a persona as his soapbox 

 il semble donc que vous ayez disparu:( 

….. et je me demande ce que ça veut dire

mais alors….  n'as-tu jamais été là ????

  Je crains que tu me manques assez 

18 December 2021

here lies a poet. 

I can’t keep it up for much longer. what do I mean by that? it’s nothing deep; I’m just so exhausted and —so will I evaporate now…. ? it’s the first time I don’t care, without the pathos, truly 

but who was she before, 

you know? 

she never was. 

no, she never was, not ever. but on one side you have the world as it is now and then on the other, well….still, what to call it?identity; purpose; messenger ….misfit, maverick, maniac 

I am a master of reinvention so ….

who knows 

14 December 2021

some silences are more deafening than others

why the rush now—? ….well, it is something about necessity and timing; but as things turned out, I never got to proofread before she sent it. some things I’m not happy about; some missing dialogue and bad transitions, and worst of all, and rather quite important; a lot of missed details in the intro; some necessary archetype-like images of the dictionary never made it from my notes…. but dictionary, we will never say about what bombs were falling when I was writing it ….if they only knew …..such as, right now, I am in the middle of a Doctor Zhivago lifenovel….and trying not to let it show 

So, the draft; a very rough diamond in the rough; maybe it requires much more chipping but so burnt on what I cannot write here about…. well, how final is a final draft? flies in the ointment smear clarity; bad first impression/anyway

….these are the worst days, so absolutely out of battery is it just out of habit I cling? as it is mission, it is also lifeline; now such a threadbare rope….