06 September 2020

Thoughts within


The hardest part of present day life for me has been more about the prison of the perimeters 

and the loudness of the very negative society of the twenty-first century

one cannot escape it

I really don’t mind solitude; if I am to be honest, I prefer it

I do miss getting to travel

I need change or I go crazy 

which —may be .... I have gone, 

as I talk to myself here quite a lot. There is such a strangeness .... out there. I don’t know if it is the removal of physical interaction with members of society .... but people seem particularly “extreme” and brought to their lowest denomination 

What does a healthy minded person do to escape the perils of hostility and narrow minded crowd thinking 

as big as the world relatively is to me, it has begun to feel too small

I don’t want to be negative and I guess I come here to clear these thoughts of where I am being blind .... 

I don’t regret things I have walked away from but I do regret the disappointment ....

if philosophy is for those who can afford the time to, I do it when others sleep 

I guess because I fear my dreams 


Wayne said...

You are infinitely stronger than a temporary separation from the weak and foolish of a passing moment.

Electra de Roet said...

Thank you, WJ, how was Oxford?

Wayne said...

It was a wonderful reset and mental detox. Instead of being asked if I had watched love island, I heard people discuss the origin of language and saw graffiti damning communism followed by a critique of socialism.

Electra de Roet said...

Wish I could have been there, exactly the kind of conversation and cultural demonstration I would be into. Did you take pictures? please share(Love Island? What is that? is that a current BBC game show hosted by a little man and a sea captain?)

Wayne said...

I think you'd breath freely there. Love Island I would rename 'Parasites'.

Wayne said...

I shall send some photos to you soon, of course:)