13 June 2023

he tells me I am the strongest person he knows and is so proud of me. I always find strength knowing he believes in me.still

10 June 2023

Electra’s dictionary and film noir/the fence

I feel his eyes upon me as I watch the water from the flat. I have been so long lost in thought. And lost. Jörn walks over to me 

He turns me to him and takes my face into his hands and holds me there to look at me,

“where have you been?” he asks me

“I have been lost,” I say to him looking up at him; and his hands as he holds me there ….holds me…. as if …. together; he holds me together ….I half want to burst like a glass Christmas ball into a thousand tiny pieces in his hands

His eyes look with their purity of the unforgiving kryptonite that always demands truth and sincerity ….even as they do not always deliver the same in kind 

And here is the crux of it all —what is there at all in life if it is not real ….

I say to him,

“I have to confess a terrible truth I’ve discovered lately, and that is,I don’t care what happens to me, so, tell me—why do you?”

only he does not answer, instead he does something that almost embarrasses me ….he bends down and kneels at my feet, he removes the shoes I wear carefully one by one; each buckle he undoes carefully as if I am made of glass. Then he kisses my feet; first the left one and then the right one. 

And it is because,you see, I feel so broken inside…. so empty of having felt much kindness for so long from anyone that I don’t know how to feel any more so that it is easier to block what this does to me ….that it moves me because —it scares me. Then he stands up and returns to holding my face, but I drop my eyes,

“no, look at me, duva, you are precious to me, do not ever doubt it,” and then lifts me. He brings me to where he has drawn a bath and he says now to me, “let me wash you,” he puts me down by the now full tub and shuts it off, “I want to heal you….”


There is an unexpected wilderness, a strangely kind of otherworldly beautiful patch of land on the southern fringe of Delaware where the line meets Maryland; Strawberry Lane 

There is this beautiful old dead tree that is sadly graceful which I find myself inspired to sit under

“my dad named the road,” he tells me 

I am on the fence between the worlds and I don’t know how I came to be here on this road. Some goes to the north and to the east and another west. Each time what i think I find I can believe

 seems to, I find, 

turns to be, 

is more delusion


I do not regret having depth capacity for emotion or I’d not be an artist, but I regret those who were incapable of sustaining by their own personal defeats 


And with my eyes closed I lay in the bath and I hear him say,

“you are my muse,” he says before he goes 

It is only moments later when I hear the opening notes of “the dove in flight”

23 May 2023

he is a victim of his emotions and blindly as he drags everyone with him through them in a childish rage 

 I see past your smokescreen 

21 May 2023

JMMuse Noir (Ed)continues

And as I stare up so wistfully at that tiny phantom of a helicopter speck that is not even there

I hear Jörn make the oddest—and yet—familiar sound. Like an apologetic cough before,

jag är ledsen, duva….”

I do turn my head quick —but!lights out!! All goes dark like dreamless sleep 

….was there a prick, a jab?I don’t know ….

13 May 2023

Chapter and verse; First day at the bookstore at Walt Whitman

Long Island

And so we begin this part of the dictionary by rewinding through time to

      as I recall, it was Spring…..

The driveway pulling out does a kind of semi-snake at our house in Huntington New York. Whilst overhead hangs heavy branches of the old trees that inhabit the grassy land in front of the ranch style house. The house sits on a cul-de-sac at the end of Buttercup lane, and off of Windmill Drive and Cherry Lane which feeds from 25A of Long Island’s North Shore. 

Behind the ranch house and hidden from the road is an in ground pool, and a great place to find dead squirrels and frogs, often killed by MacDuff; the short black Scottish terrier (my mother’s husband’s pride and joy) with a thirst for blood (he took his first bite of human flesh from me and it just never ended for him)

So, between how the drive snakes, the heavy tree branches and how the drive slopes up out to the cul-da-sac, it was always a challenge backing out the drive, but today was spring and no worries of snow drifts.

It is a beautiful drive from 25A to Walt Whitman Mall, but if instead you turn left and not right and instead take the Deer Park Road way, it is not as pretty. But it saves you about ten minutes. 

I liked to go that way because it reminds me of the way to West Hills; one of the equestrian places I have ridden. So as I drive to work that day, I leave open the windows for the scent of early floral blooms that reach into my car’s interior and with it mixes that distinctive horse scent from my riding saddle from the back seat. 

It is the day I go to meet my new boss as her assistant manager at the bookstore, having just returned from my trip to New Orleans (from a high school reunion). My head is all full of confusion. If only I could tell that me it was not worth the headache. 

So, I wait st the stoplight to make the left to the mall and think. I consider my goals ….my acting classes in New York City at H B Studio ….what for ….do I see myself on Broadway? No. I stare at the light. Do I see myself in commercials for laxatives and female products? Please not that…. 

Beside me in the passenger seat is my Anaïs Nin book. It goes with me to work as the excuse to leave to read on my own. I have had it since my second bookstore job when it hit me in the head while I was vacuuming one morning at work. I saw it as a sign. It is the lavender covered one; volume four of her early diaries. My favorite of her diaries—I think because it was the first one I discovered of her. 

It provides, at this moment, at that stop light—a symbol to grasp onto. 

Because—do I see myself as a bookstore district manager one day? Or a retail executive ….? I start to hyperventilate …. Oh my god ….

The light turns green 

But I cannot breathe …. Jack…. Jack …. Jack Kerouac ….

breathe ….and pull in from the back, drive around the parking lot, passing the department store attached to the mall. I drive to the other side, which parallels Walt Whitman’s historic house (and is a museum). 

So why do I go through the other entrance? Walk all the way back where A & S used to be? Because I am curious to see how the job I just left is doing without me ….and notice there is an unloaded shipment on the curb and a truck driver who looks furious. 

Of course this is amusing to me as I rush through the mall, passing the Gloria Jean’s heady smell of coffee on my way.

I am breathless when I arrive at the store and go right up to the front desk

“Bruce?” I ask the guy behind the desk (he hated me because I got the job over him, but at this moment, I have no clue he wanted it)

He is a nerdy, stout young guy, prematurely middle aged at 23 with a miserly disposition 

“Are you the new manager? Debbie is waiting for you in the back,” then abruptly he walks away 

I walk the long isle of books and sections, past tables and displays. It is a very busy shop with mothers and young children actively engaging with others and lines of customers waiting to pay; I have always loved the rush of activity and the stimulation of engagement; indeed, it is something I have always needed

When I reach the back, I recognize Debbie

    but ….to my shock the older woman 

    who during our interview had appeared mousy and frompy with greasy hair and a librarian mode of clothing style ….and 

while all this remains still apparent, I find her making-out across the receiving table, by the receiving back door 

stunned disbelieve I …. stand there stock still staring ….until ….

until…. until….

someone else clears his throat —but sense it was intended for the frompy book store manager, hidden under a man, laying across her, over the receiving table. 

I decide to look at who cleared his throat and turn to my left inside the back of the doorway, as I have entered the back room 

“Yeah….” he says….

I see a very tall guy wearing a purple pirate bandana….over long blond hair, tied back in a pony tail. He stands by a computer and holds a twelve inch Bowie knife as he casually opens boxes with it. The rest of his ensemble includes what appears as —a hand made poet’s shirt tucked into black gypsy/genie trousers (also hand made?), tucked into black cowboy boots —where he now stores his Bowie knife. He says to me,

“hi, I’m John—are you starting here today?” 

He uses an extra loud voice. He pointedly looks at me, then at them and says again, “hey are you starting today? Are you the new MANAGER?”

Debbie gives a whelp under the prone male who is wearing dark blue work trousers and a stained (ketchup and mustard?)cream colored Oxford shirt, half untucked over her….

I stand there as the Oxford shirted guy stands up but—someone behind me says in a brittle toned voice,

“Debbie, I think you and I need to have a talk….”

I turn and see an older woman in a business suit. She looks at me. She reaches to shake my hand,

“You’re starting today, you’re Dawn? Hi, I’m Mary, I am the district —and the regional manager! And I’ve heard a lot about you, you came from the competition—guess what?!!—you’re going to be the acting general manager here starting today! Congratulations!”

She turns and walks to Debbie, opens the back door,

“you,” she points to the guy, “you,” she points to Debbie, she steps outside the door, “out here, with me!”