24 November 2022

 the years of her exile.the forms of prisons are not always of a physical incarceration kind 

alas electra

 it occurs to me as I am sat on tender hooks brooding —my thoughts travel back to reflect….I’ve not wasted my time, I realize—since I left Berkley Michigan in 2017 because I realize would have been waiting all this time for Persephone and not living a life….yes I have been running like mad but —not blindly at all;I’ve come far 

 There will be more story opera —the direction depends on ….something here

23 November 2022

my phone has tracked me for walking over twelve miles today, wonder how much of that was just pacing?


onward we go and travel past anything that ever mattered, like how you watch the waters of Lethe as you view from above. 

they flow down with the rush of water and dissolve; the lost celves that just ….were not good enough and test ourcelves with the blade to not flinch at all when it bites you

i just wanted to be seen.i’d so believed

 i shall miss you