13 December 2024

JM muse chronicles/Electra’s dictionary and film noir;cracking the dawn


“Do you know who Haile Selassie was?” 

“Of course.”

“‘Of course?’— no, not many know whom he was,” Jörn says 

And do we find ourselves at the usual impasse 

The Mexican standoff as gramps used to say 

There is one part of me that wishes to get up, run and not look back. 

I hate emotions 

“So, I know whom he was….?” and I know this is some kind of hitch to cause me to suddenly blab but I’m bored. I’m bored with his game. It’s not hostility. Just bored. Instead I want to throw rocks so I say, “what has this really got to do with terrorism? Just tell me, Jörn I’m really so not in the mood for a quiz, ok? I mean…. that was Jamaica and Rasta mostly or ….”

“Ethiopia,” he says simply 

“No, I know that. I know he was considered the messiah to his Christian followers,” and outwardly …. I shrug. Outwardly I pretend it means nothing. 

Only inwardly do I analyze 

We are still at the bistro 

“How is this to do with terrorism?” I ask again 

He gives me an exaggerated indulgent sigh,

“try,” he says 

I think. Ethiopian messiah. And ….my biological father…. I want to be bored of this game

I give him my pat answer,

“If I were a terrorist I don’t think that’s the figure I’d pick.”

“But that’s the code.”

I look at his eyes now. He looks right through me 



You have cracked me.

    after all…. 

 …..one part of me finds this is strangely a turn-on

I didn’t think even he was that clever

…..to be continued 

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