24 July 2024

Byronic rue

Diandra did not see Greg again after that and she had not expected to. 

And she found herself going back to the old familiar streets. 

How strange are streets, aren’t they? Like mute walls that don’t talk; how many scenes have they seen over how many lives?

She instinctively found the old paths to all the old places she would go ….and remembered her mind. Her mind. To put your foot upon a step you once walked and recall the exact emotion of …. 

she stood stock still. As if something physical had grabbed hold of her throat. It was a physical jarring shock of pain as if started from the solar plexus and —it gave her pause. 

She walked over to a nearby bench and sat to think about the Diandra that she was then. The one just starting out.

And her eyes moved across the landscape. She remembered always looking for ….him ….across the horizon of the landscape. She knew his walk from far away. Knew his silhouette. And yes, always, she could sense when he would come. 

She also knew …. when he put up walls there was no use even trying —but, she’s not a liar; it had to be said because she knew. How could she pretend not to know? But then, that she was even sitting next to him should have said whatever he doubted about her. 

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