05 June 2024

just views from Moses’ mountain

What do you suppose were going on within the minds of the common surfs of the times of Henry VIII? While upper-crust arrived to remind them what they didn’t get, the ones of whom managed to survive all right—as the self evidence everywhere supports, but besides, someone was minding the shops; the baker; the butcher; the candlestick maker ….who would have quietly and humbly drew breaths of relief—for instance, the daughters of the shop keeper— rather be modest and humble than a queen without her head. But to abide by the law of a country knowing the leader would do this to his own wife. 

What do you suppose were going on within the minds of the common surfs of the times of Henry VIII?

How civilized is our leader! We should be good citizens and be happy to obey his every law.

I know, it’s rather silly to believe anyone thinks that a leader is not in it for himself; it’s very naive but then it’s too tedious to commit to this harsh realization —corrupt?no!!! yeah, I’ll obey your law, for sure as it keeps baby squirrels off the road but ….

they had to be counting the days of his doom.that rancid leg. any possible boar hunt. a wife to castrate him in his sleep and leave him there to drain; a chef’s special recipe, dinner talk at the table,

“young Thomas, now always be sure and have a taster at your kitchen on hand once you are wed,” father at the head of the table he says as he carves the roast whilst looking over his shoulder at the misses.

Who then replies,
“too bad for us that he has….”

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