26 May 2024

Pinocchio shots (Greg&Diandra story)


“I heard about your divorce,” he said meeting her eyes steadily, “and ….about your son…. the custody— I’m sorry.”

“Oh….” Diandra looked away and quickly blinked. In a snap she seemed to go frozen; she turned away in profile pretending to refold the napkin that was there on the table beside her. Took a moment to recover. And by some kind of knee-jerk, practiced yet automatic response, she quipped, “that should teach me not to marry into a wealthy family; they know all the lawyers to suck out your soul….”she stayed that way in profile finding the pattern on the napkin distracting enough to help her avoid letting herself fall into a pit of hell of emotions. 

It was then that the person who took their order returned with two coffees; both in a cup and saucer with froth but to Diandra’s surprise the server placed a shot glass beside each before walking away. 

Diandra looked at Greg

He reached over to the shot glass that was beside her and winked, as he poured it into the froth of her cup,

“just a shot of Kahlua.” 

It was the timing of its arrival which served its appeal and as the evening’s rain had left its chill —so, with only a second’s hesitation did she wait to reach for the cup. 

It went down smoothly. So smoothly. She drank half of it straight away. It’s warm, burning fire brought some heat back into her bones. It took a few seconds more for the buzz to hit her. 

She felt it hit her and was glad of it, feeling her limbs all suddenly go limp. The interiors of the establishment became so rosy. Perhaps slightly fuzzy. Diandra licked the residual froth from the corner of her mouth as she looked up at Greg now.

What were they just talking about? Oh yes…. she reached for the cup again and took another swallow, then looked back at Greg again. 

He was shrugging out of his jacket. He wore a navy blue knit pullover; it suited him somehow ….he was older yes—no longer that boy….but he was still in his eyes. Like that Kate Bush song. Yes, she could still see him there. Even though ….gone was the boy’s face. 

A lightweight. The rest of the shot had by now begun to hit her. 

It was as though time was just stopped for a minute as she looked at him now. And she thought about how often over the years she thought about him. Wondered about him. Wondered how he was. Was he happy? Married? Did he ever think about her?

“What about you?” Diandra asked, now quite brave with Mexican courage, “I’d expect you’d have barefoot and pregnant and half a brood of your own by now!” which she said with much more force of enthusiasm than she at all felt, just as she turned to watch some people walk past; who’d just walked in from the rain —as if finding something in this interesting  

There was a sharp silence that suddenly fell.

She felt it. 

You could almost see the shadow fall.

How is it that she could always feel him? Even after all these years. As when she could always tell, back in those days, whenever he was near. She could always feel …. what he was thinking….sometimes feeling ….often feeling ….but she never relied upon this as he often contradicted his own deepest emotions and wishes which she never understood about him. 

She looked up at him as his hand reached across to hers, grabbing hold of it suddenly and sharply,

“But —did— you?”

Diandra Pim stared up at him like one caught in a spider web. A familiar feeling …..she’d long forgot she felt around him…. yes it was the kind of feeling one has when a part of you wants to run…. while the other part of you wants to melt into the very thing it fears 

Even as she flinched, she kept her hand there. Under his. Their eyes locked. As she felt that invisible cape of his sweep around her and engulf her as if falling into what always felt was some secret cave

There they were again after all these years, just sitting across the table now. So weird to be after so many years of wondering. 

And ….rather tipsy. Such that it made her feel languid and lazy and heavy in the chair that she sank a bit and as he watched her sink into the chair, he realized she forgot the question. But it didn’t really matter. Greg waved to the server and held up the shot glass and signaled two more with his fingers. Which was completely lost on Diandra Pim only upon its arrival 

“Ohhh….” she sat up straight now and laughed. She looked up at the server who just did a polite kind of nod and walked away

“I thought we should at least toast to our own little reunion,” Greg said now looking at her and holding up the shot glass closest to him, “what do you think—to Miss Pim?”

It was the mischief in his eye that made her lean forward thoughtfully because it made her remember things about him. And it reminded her of ….

her own eyes became mischievous as she raised the shot glass,

“how about to— the time I borrowed your sister’s uniform….”

they both would have remembered what this occasion marked

but she didn’t wait for his response, just boldly knocked his shot glass 

took a deep breath before she drank the shot down

and there it was like —not a big elephant but maybe a sleeping Dumbo —who lay there, maybe —a bit snuggly— but at the moment intentionally ignored 

He had taken the shot. She didn’t see his reaction to the toast. Not that she could have, as he hid his own secret smile behind his own fist as he drank the shot

“So how’s book editing?” he asked her, putting down the glass

Now feeling no pain, she threw back her long wavy hair and said,

“I have walked away from all that! I quit my job on Friday!”

“You quit your job?” he wasn’t sure if it was just the effects of the alcohol or was it the jet lag?


and now realized she was actually upset but the alcohol was helping her hide it.

“Are you ok?” he asked studying her face

She seemed to go blank,

“I don’t know.”

“Why did you quit?” he asked

“So—I accepted the wedding invite months ago! Right? Everything was set and ….Last minute my boss told me I couldn’t go! I was literally arranging my ride to the airport and ending the call when he just said, ‘oh sorry, nobody else can cover this!’ —which is a lie, but whatever….” 

only now did it actually hit her as she was telling Greg now 

“That was—three days ago?” he asked as he realized she said Friday 

“Yeah…. my flight was for Saturday …. it wasn’t so much that I paid for a flight or that I really wanted to go—but this wasn’t the first time something like this happened where I had to put my own life on hold…. for what though?” Diandra sat there looking at the empty shot glass a minute “I have wasted so much of my life being responsible and working hard without appreciation through holidays too—and, I’ll never get those years back, you know? Maybe I snapped —shit….but I have no idea what I’m going to do —I mean…. when I quit my asshole boss laughed in my face saying ‘good luck finding anything without me for a reference!’ And do you know what I said? I must have been insane with hysteria at the moment because I told him I was getting my own manuscript published over here! As if! But I said that as I walked out like a big dumb fucking Pinocchio!!!”

“Do you have a manuscript?” 

“Well—no, not at the moment. There’s never any time because of….” but she didn’t finish the sentence she started 

“So what would it be about?” Greg watched her as she considered his question 

“Well—there is something I have been working on; it’s an involved work which contains stories within stories ….maybe it’s silly but it’s always been important to me only ….I’m not even really sure I see it as something in print or —anyway—“she changed her tone to signal she meant to drop it

“No—what? What is it then?” he smiled now encouraging her

“I don’t really know—an exploration —a search for what any of it matters for….” said with a heavy sigh, Diandra reached for the empty shot glass and tipped it to catch any last drops 

“Another shot?” Greg asked her and signaled before she could answer. Then he said, “is this about that ‘On-Going Conversation’ as told through the world’s cultural arts?”

Diandra suddenly sat bolt upright in her chair and stared at him. When the shock wore off she said,

“you remember.”

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