04 November 2023

a private investigation exploration Undercover on the side st

Suffice it to say—something did happen between them. 

King Leopold soon craved his bone and left them, eventually settled by the door of Grant’s bedroom and fell asleep there. 

And maybe it was the warmth of the room or the sudden absence of warmth from the departure of the regal canine’s chaperoning body —she moved toward Grant in sleep, seeking his warm body, and then, so close against him there, her back spooning up against him, she fall back asleep. In her sleep she was dreaming about being tangled in a giant spider web and turned instinctively into the curve of his arms as she slept. And because it felt so good, eventually she turned to face him while she was sleeping ….it seemed in a hazy, round about place in her mind about then that she might be over dressed in her burgundy dress, as it caught her up in it tangling her legs and trapped her so when he said,

“here, let me help you,” against her ear

in her sleepy mind, it was perfect timing to be rescued ….and after the zip down, he pulled it all over her head in one vast move, released her, “here, and this,” he said releasing the hooks behind her

In her sleepy mind, it slowly dawned upon her, 

            this part wasn’t the dream….

moving into the warmth of him —and it was some time after dawn when this private investigation, exploration was momentarily satisfied 

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