03 September 2022


Goodbye, Mark, my big bro

He was in my study hall class my first year of high school. It was a Wednesday, that first day of school and study hall was my first class in high school.

I picked the only vacant seat. I sat down to study the schedule that I had handed to me by the study hall teacher. It was confusing. There were four columns; ABCD. Four days to stand for the days of the week. Wednesday would always be the day they let the students out early so the faculty could having meetings and every class was shortened by fifteen minutes 

Wednesday the first day of school was an A day. Thursday would be B day this week and Friday C day, which meant that the following week would begin with D day. 

First hour A day study hall…. ground floor, room 104

Second hour….Earth Science room 303….third floor 

Third hour—French, room 103, first floor….fourth hour English Lit, 302, third floor….

“Where’s your locker? You look lost,” he said

I look up at the student to my right. Bright blue/green eyes and massive curly golden brown hair and unruly lashes 

“I’m Mark, by the way,” he said “you look like a ‘real’ person,” and we became instant best friends 

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