04 January 2022


I feel such an emotional exhaustion. and feels almost too much. or maybe it is. 

I don’t know if it is the impact of people’s reactions because it was easier before people started to ask me things. and well….  I do desperately wish people thought before they dispense advice about things they are ignorant of. It is hard to be tactful when people insult both your intelligence and your ….predicaments ….especially when it was brought on not even by my own actions . I am too tired to be enraged. I feel run over. Forward and back kind of …. roadkill 

to think my biological father dealt with this kind of notoriety on a regular basis and on front cover headlines long before social media existed. Makes me look like a marshmallow withering in the corner. I’d only like it about a worthwhile subject on something worth anyone’s time 

But I never liked attention that way. I only like fiction drama, I don’t do it in real life. But it seems people of that nature seem to target me (MM long ago said it was the red hair) and imagine I’m worth their game and I never notice their act because I want to allow the benefit of the doubt …. Maybe it’s time to stop doing that. If I am my own knight then I must believe everyone has a weapon against me unless they prove otherwise. I should have always been that way but I never wanted to be the cynical type

Now I know why the cynical types exist. 

There is more story 

   More E.d, more Noir too, I suppose, and even more Brenda in the rubber shop with you know who 

     I’m just so world weary that I feel like I need a lifetime of peace before I can ….and I think I am done with people from now on and this time I mean it 

(Kurczak, btw—ty)


Wayne said...

I found that people can survive and change even in the mire.

Electra de Roet said...

It is always a choice to survive. But to triumph? That requires tenacity and right now I’m fresh out of Pop-Eye (the Sailor Man) Juice. You are up late for a Tuesday—what—about 2:00 AM in UK?

Wayne said...

I understand. Maybe when we have nothing that is when we truly kick in gear. I was up late, yes. I have just experienced a devastating (I can't understate that word enough) personal loss. The slightest break of an emotional bond which will scar me and has already changed me. I take inspiration from you.

Wayne said...

I went to the toilet at work and cried for a few minutes, I haven't since I was perhaps 14, then punched the floor twice to break out of it.
Survive. Endure. Survive. Endure. For what? I don't know that. But we must.

Electra de Roet said...

I am sorry you have to experience this. I am honored you share this. It is always important to acknowledge emotions or you are no friend to yourself. You are stronger for it too. Keep the faith that is within the core of you. Peace. You know where to find me, my literary, internet friend