18 December 2019

missing summer hikes

(embracing the inner grinch)

one of a few snakes I have caught on video

Where does a person go to find peace when everything everywhere reminds you of what you have lost or never had

also from this summer; an insomniac playing with the animation loop


Wayne said...

So very pretty

Electra de Roet said...

Thank you. I got to know the family of deer that one belonged to; when I first went to those woods last year they would spy on me for weeks. There was an albino one that one day disappeared, sadly, but the boy one there (in the video) was the most daring. He was always playing peekaboo with me. I do miss them, actually, having moved from there. Do you know anything about frogs? Is that a frog or a toad? Since you’re English I thought you’d know about things like toads and newts

Anonymous said...

All of the videos are pretty. It's a toad in my opinion. No one here could expect to see a snake like that in the road. We do have some pretty mean grey squirrels, foxes that stalk cats and hedgehogs about.

Electra de Roet said...

Mean squirrels!!!! That is hysterical. I do adore foxes and have been lucky to have seen one up close —who was in a hurry that day so it didn’t badger me (lol).Yes I have encountered a lot of snakes and respectfully keep my distance but they fascinate me. I think it is their mystique and danger and how they slither around in that menacing way. So hedgehogs are bullies too? Where I was last they had a lot of ground hogs and I found them to be such funny and such odd silly creatures with their weird digging through the ground and how they run if you get too close and look over their shoulders at you! Animals are funny. Obviously, I love being in the woods and getting off the trail but I’ve had some close calls with being exposed to lightening. It must be gorgeous to hike in your woods, I never got to do that when I was there. Are you planning another trip to Greece?

Wayne said...

I once watched a fox follow a cat into a bar. The cat would turn around which would momentarily stop the fox. They're very common. The woods are beautiful. Hard to believe they were once so vast. Maybe next time you can. Greece will be later in summer, but have a few places before