13 November 2022

E.d.Sizerhands, (a short) deflection;Electra’s dictionary

(another aspect and hint about the Electra theme and patterns)

I remember as a child standing by the bedroom door after I got one of the beatings. Of course I did not know about biology or whose I was back then —or what that meant, but ….to me I thought he was my father. So I would wait at the door after each time he hurt me for him to say he was sorry and say that loved me….”

I look up at Jörn as I say this, 

“I thought each time that he intended to just ….throw me away ….so, maybe now you may understand what my anxiety is about….” I don’t say 

He comes up from behind me and leans into me then, drapes his long arms around before he says in a deep whisper into my ear,

“I will never abandon you….” 


(don’t you see him as a spy?)

11 November 2022

Electra’s dictionary/Invisible Ink;scene continues


He says to me,

“I do see you.”

I am by his window looking out. 

The distance between us feels infinite

 it seems

 and the energy it takes for faith far less so 

I don’t believe him. He only shows me what he decides to let me see. And I wonder if then he can only see as much of me as he feels in the mood to bother and try. it makes me wonder who I have been in love with—he gives as much as he is inclined and then he retracts as if everything between us never was and so I am the idiot ….but then that means he too is another fraud…. 

“Duva….”he walks over to me and pulls my face up to look at him taking my chin in his grip, “I am your father figure,” he whispers into my ear

I say,

“no! a father—? someone to raise me up high and be my cheer-leader, daddy, no, you lock me out —you don’t allow me near you—how can you see me?” and move away but he pulls me back as I fight him, “how can you see me when you are pretending and playing your games? I’m not at your disposal—“


“You don’t see me, you stopped looking.”

“I never stopped,” he says

“You don’t even read my words anymore,” I say

“How would you know?”

but what I wish I could really understand is—what is it he is afraid of….? what I would see if he showed me his whole self —or of how he would feel showing it?

 tiny.pixie.two words wish people would not say to me.iamfuckingmightieDude


tequila remarks seem to come across as good advice, and I think considering the one dispensing, what it does to the brain is worth the delusions 

which —one— is full of shit/or do I seem blonde to you? I liked you better at hello 

10 November 2022

the witching hour is calling

what is this madness? this need for flight. such a desire to want to run and never stop.but so tired of running.the knight wants to lay down his sword.only ….we’re caught in this web….the labyrinthine spiral


cannot breathe for lack of intelligent life

why do I find the vastness of isolation so suffocating