07 July 2022

thoughts between….the pages today

so often I brood about and then, reflect here: 

why do I continue with this ….

examine the purpose; examine purpose 

Electra’s dictionary has had so many evolutions ….and so many names ….to say that it arrived to me like a golden chariot to take me ….take me ….take me away 

come to my rescue 

it has been more than just a raft to let me cling to so as not to drown 

it has been that, but so much more ….and this is why I know it must always exist for me

My art was this chariot, what I could imagine and then create; sometimes with a pencil or brush, sometimes instead with words to conjure to minds the world I see, and I suppose the pencil or brush was too constrictive under my mother’s art school eye —my art could not breathe in her reality ….like my diary she found 

I saw my world clearly and it made better sense to me than the madness I was living in at home with those parents and sibling 

I could always depend on it; it was both mother and father to me and often my most dependable lover

It began with a crack ….like a whip ….and out the crack I went ….down the winding hallways to places I could fly to at will 

But it was not just words, because words are so hard for me to see 

How can I be confined to a page? when I am dyslexic? how can I be confined to a canvas? how can I be confined to a big budget studio whose sole purpose is tailoring popularity by any means necessary? 

but still I am chased to keep doing this and so then, is it only for myself?

it could be and when this thought occurs to me…. the world —my world— disappears 

the raft sinks 

the chariot disappears and I am left just an empty pumpkin shell which I try to tell myself to be satisfied with but how when I see that without it I am forced to live among a world ….that makes no sense to me. and I can’t do that ….so what do I do….? keep going ….but the question is spat from the walls about purpose 

it was the ….surprise …. of a message I got from my daughter which seemed to ….contain my answer

we have been messaging about our thoughts of today’s world and even with our years apart, it is remarkable how in-line we are to such similar views and our adaptations to reach for reason and meaning. Even when she was a little girl, before our fall out, I used to say she and I would have been friends even had she not been my daughter. and so when I told her I had no idea if I could care anymore about my art as I lost my interest to be relevant and felt I no longer had anything to say 

she wrote: <who cares if you have nothing to say? write for the fun of it>

So out if the mouths of babes but also, I know how much I must value her meaning when now my Persephone is returned to me with the burden of a world I dragged her into 

this world I don’t understand anymore but clearly never did, I suspect my actions on how to adapt to this brave new world awareness has me reflecting upon how my mother left this world and left me with just this raft and to let that go would be to make irrelevant Electra’s entire odyssey and all the blood and the sweat and ….unshed tears held in check by that shield and the knight who I could never let rest and has remained on watch at the drawbridge of the Celf ….

What is filling the minds of this world anyway 

What is Fun….I wonder? yes so—maybe that is something to figure out 

To me fun is wild beauty with no restrictions ….sometimes it is visual and spills out my fingers and often it is thoughts which gallop with images within my mind’s eye through characters I have conjured from the need of their existence to fill a void that desperately needs to be filled 

When I was eight, we were in Vienna on holiday and I became obsessed with orchestras from a statue of a well known composer. I saw in a shop window an assortment of little wooden angels all playing different instruments. I eventually had quite a collection of these little wooden figures but it began with one at a piano and the orchestra leader; they were my first two. When I had enough of them for a full orchestra, I’d spend hours playing with them and conducting my imagined music  

Is it obvious Jörn’s opera is symbolic of mine?

My years at bookstores, I’d spend hours looking through books. On breaks I would reach for art books and was drawn to the beauty of art and was excited to discover work by Alan Lee which contradicted my mother’s rules; and literature often written by controversial people because of their need to express despite the risk of danger; their need 

It has occurred to me I must need to create in some other form of medium where I do not feel confined 

where, in a way, I am the orchestra leader deciding how it goes and not too out of my depths to create and produce, 

to use words but not have to be solely dependent on visually frustrating text, not as print, sometimes spoken and mixed liberally with images ….narrative and visual almost like a silent film seen from the long range lens of A Spy

The next scene ….later

05 July 2022

apocalyptic emptiness part 2


those strangers you meet

you like a foreigner

in conversation

fill in the silence and space 

of a silence which comes 

even among and above and 

from the din of the broadcasts 

like the drone of the news of the day

the brashness like the announcing of flights…. space oddity

 you hope to escape 

am I seen when they talk to me?

those strangers where I am

a stranger

in a strange land

do they see me 

when they kiss me, 

are they there 

they touch but don’t feel

are not there at all

are they as real as these words on a page?

like the storm you cannot see

has cast us away

keys to electra, encore


my mother had a wicked, somewhat sadistic sense of humor 

as a kid I was tested to be allergic to wheat after returning from a school field trip where the youth hostile we stayed at was directly next to a wheat farm in England and I came back violently ill. She was very much involved in astrology and so she got a big laugh at me and said, “you’re allergic to yourself!” —you see, because the symbol for Virgo is harvest and wheat. Years later right before I moved out, one day it was this time when I was desperate to get to work or I’d lose my job. We’d had a very big snow storm and a tree had fallen on top of my car from all the snow. So manic was I digging it out and wrestling this tree as —I’ve always been this size and could have used some help

she took pictures 

I’m a masochist and desperately loved her till the end and still do which should explain so much of my complexities psychologically —what good writing it provides though, hmm? 

 encore de la télépathie :), très bien!

flight as game/homage to Jack London 

“look at that beauty!” 

a lovely chase across a meadow 

humans turn so fast. 


“stop playing games!” said the hunter to the fox 

03 July 2022

assateague island, couldn’t drag me away

 This is the island of the wild horses where getting lucky enough for a glimpse of one is all by chance. This is a rare occasion 

pour toi, parce que tu décodes mes symboles et que tu es toujours là

et apparaît toujours dans mes heures les plus sombres….

