of course I could not write of Jörn’s case from last year as things happened and there are gaps on here where I have had to leave out details since about around this time last year as he was in deep cover —somewhere ….close to where the war has been— let us say for now
© d.m.Lewis, 2013-present; Electra's dictionary is Copyright protected. These words and images (unless otherwise credited) are original to the author. All rights reserved
27 March 2023
penthouse reflections e.d.
I realize now that he was lying to me even further back
it is later and I am back at the penthouse.I pace the bedroom like a mad woman ….like a mad woman ….disappearing photos…. yes, mad woman, indeed—who used to say that—those old Greek choruses never shut up….Paris was a lie too I guess, and this new shock —I feel so sick ….I go to the window and —think ….
then realize the view from his kitchen is right where I’m standing ….
and he is watching me….what is it then?— either let me go or come clean ….I want to tear through all the false promises with just one scrap of proof that ….
any of it was real ….to think he just wanted to play me for a fool makes me
I draw the drape in one raging move and turn my back to it
how can I ever think I actually meant anything to him if he could be so duplicitous with zero qualms for all his disregard toward me —so I rage at the walls for awhile ….and stomp across the bedroom looking up at the walls feeling as if I am thoroughly trapped by them
and want to run.but where. and so tired of running.
Noir smörgås varm röra/orrefors Crystal clear (jmmusechroncont)
I look straight at Josef as I come back —he sits at the head of the table. A bit breathless. Then I notice that his sleeve is caught on the edge of the table —as though he just heedlessly rushed to his seat
I glance at Elsa
who similarly ….is sat with part of her skirt oddly twisted beneath her, trapping her legs
but it is Andreas of whom— what is he doing?
I walk over to him by the tall console table as he has his back turned so awkwardly as though he—
“Do you need help?” I go around to look at his pose from another side
“Oh my god!” I exclaim as I see he has a tall Orrefors crystal vase cradled precariously in his arms as if—he just accidentally ran into the table recklessly
I catch the vase. glance as Elsa. She looks away quick but—I see the gasp of relief she tries to hide
I pretend not to pay any mind but I do look at Josef with his caught sleeve pointedly and decide to help him. He sheepishly smiles up at me,
“tack, kära du,” he pats my hand affectionately mustering a show of composure and a glance at Elsa
I walk over to her next as she is actually now sat at the other head of the table and as I walk towards her I look at Josef as I go,
“so, explain the purpose for Jörn to marry me. Is it the citizenship or is it the property legal clause on the Swedish opera house?”
“Svenska operahuset,” I hear Elsa whisper to herself
“Well before—“Josef starts to say
but at the very exact moment Andreas says,
Andreas’ voice is louder
Andreas my ally. I look at him. But at that moment I hear a tap on another door behind me. This one leads out to the corridor to the bedrooms, but it is usually open, like now. So the tap cones loud on the panel of the open door. I turn to see Hanna
“If pappa marries you, it allows him more freedom with his work in your country and—affords some extras for friendly family members; if you know what I mean,” she winks at me
Trust kids for honesty at awkward moments ….as I see Erik is sneaking out behind her
I groan,
“smörgås varm röra,” and sit down next to Elsa as I take a moment to think ….they seem to be watching me
After a second to reflect, I get up and walk around as I think
“I marry him—“ I point to Jörn, “you benefit because then you keep the opera house,” I say and walk to the window, “so—how does that benefit Jörn? ….diplomatic immunity?”
“It’s ….” Jörn starts to walk over to me shaking his head, “it’s more ….complicated ….”
Josef clears his throat. It a signal throat clear. Warning?
I glance at Josef
“If I’m going to be in this family I think I deserve some ….explanation—is it work—his platinum brand —corporation? Taxes? Or is it just the usual of surpassing the visa/green card dilemma?” But no…. there’s the obvious again,
I spin around to Josef,
“Of course! If Jörn marries me—then you as —director— are free to ….” it all dawns
I glance at Elsa but she glances at Jörn who then shoots an angry look at his pappa ….
Jörn turns to me,
“duva….he’s my cover”

24 March 2023
scene steal
but then I stop to look into his face. That face I know….I stare …..and run my fingers over his cheekbones …. and oh I think as I stare into such lovely vampire eyes….
this face of his….I know every line and crease ….as if I put it all there myself ….
and want to say—I need you back, that you I knew, but—maybe I don’t say that….i feel the weight of life instead and walk to the door,
“let’s not keep them waiting.”
“Duva—they are trying to arrange our marriage,” he says with an arched brow
I sigh,
“it’s just an arrangement.and…. guess what?—it offers me protection. I don’t care about the sex.”
Scene/e.d. noir
I walk and pace, then stay by the window as I think of what he said…. the deceptions were not intended for me ….but I receive the fall-out don’t I —with no bother of explanation nor —mention of any importance. for everything
I say to him,
“it seemed you actually were the first person who bothered to see me,” and the sad realization renews. That sense of ….but I shut out the thought. Instead I say,
“why did you stop looking?”
22 March 2023
20 March 2023
Jörn’s side
“Duva—don’t say that,” he says now to me as he stands up slowly as if with the weight of the world on his shoulders
“What?” I ask
“I have not lied to you,” he says somberly
I consider his ….demeanor
and for a moment I am rather taken aback by something I had not seen before,
“Jörn —to omit a truth ….or a white lie ….but I won’t play judge—but, you see…. I am only —reacting from what has happened and —what maybe is truth?—ok, I know that I don’t know everything ….the whys and the wherefore’s …..but—I think you know what I mean. Don’t pretend.”
He sighs heavily,
“can I ask you then to—wait before you draw all your conclusions ….what ever you might call what you call lies —were never placed in efforts to particularly deceive you; that was not ever the objective.”