© d.m.Lewis, 2013-present; Electra's dictionary is Copyright protected. These words and images (unless otherwise credited) are original to the author. All rights reserved
28 January 2023
27 January 2023
Vargi Scene from script notes
Note: This scene was meant to go before the death scene of Elan
Electra’s dictionary Film Noir Viking Past Life Scene Script Notes
Open to an ominous overcast and darkened scene of the beach, the waves crashing with
The dog is barking
We go into the hut, enter through the window and see Elan is sat hiding under the table with the bowls, she is huddled in fear and her arms are wrapped around herself as she presses her face into one of the hides, breathing in the familiar scent that still clings to the fibers
Elan: (whispers) Raoul …. snälla kom hem…. dewch adref [she weeps into the hide]
[the dog comes to comfort her]
The angle moves outside side the hut to the settlement thst is wracked with the storm
But from the shadows we see Ulf, at first in shadow as he ‘walks’ past an isle between the long houses —he uses a wood stick to hobble awkwardly along, and in the wind, it is clear that only a mad berserk Viking bent on revenge would drag himself for this opportunity
And as he clears the shadows we see he swings an ax
The lighting is strange
It is the time of year when the sun does not long go down and as it is what would be the middle of the night the sun has already begun to rise but the storm throws an eerie light with the clouds
From above the settlement we watch as Ulf crosses to close the distsnce to the hut
Move to inside of hut, close up of Vargi
Vargi: [growls looking up]
Elan: [now reacts to dog and sits up to listen fearfully. She is whispering:] Raoul…. dewch os gwelwch yn dda….[she is whimpering quietly, she is clearly terrified]
Ulf: [shouting in a call near the hut as he approaches] du kan inte gömma dig för mig nu (you cannot hide from me now)
Vargi growls
Elan gets up and goes to Raoul’s work area. She picks up a wooden shield and a small knife, and a bludgeoning instrument from his work shop; but she is clearly trembling
Ulf: komma ut!
Elan [gasps] [whispers:] Vargi!
She slips through an under slot beneath Raoul’s workshop; there is an opening hidden behind a shrub and she hides beneath the shrubs in the muddy, sandy, earth and makes the sound of one who tries to hold back her own whimpering
We hear the dog barking
Fade out
Fade in
To same scene, same shot that must be hours later. The storm passed but we see she is exhausted from fear by the way her profile is turned as she stares at nothing and in shock; half asleep in the sand
Pull back
The dog is dead several feet away
But Elan is still hidden where she is. She does not move
Fade out
Open same scene and sunny day again
Elan still hidden where she is. It seems as if she is dead
Pull back to another dog who is seen sniffing nearby and Ulf not far behind hobbling along
The dog finds Elan’s hiding spot as he clamps with his teeth through her shawl
[With sudden strength born of terror] uses the shield she has been laying on to bash over the dogs head ]
Then goes back into the hut, not knowing where to go
Instinctively goes to the workshop and picks up the biggest sword lying around as she stands watching st the hut door
We hear the scrape of Ulf’s hobble and stick as the sound approaches
23 January 2023
Electra’s dictionary & film noir/Current day/Some more ännu mer rörig smörgås(jmmusechroncont)
I have come to honor the knowledge of—in order to move forward, it’s necessary to recognize where you have been
which is why I pace myself
like those celves ….. we step away ….maybe it is from the scene I knew from Peter Pan as a child; how the shadow came apart from his body —
you put it in a drawer all neatly folded. bury under socks
close the drawer
****&I am in the penthouse staring out….
What does Jörn mean to me? and that Manhattan skyline from the view of the penthouse ….watching cars and people like little ants
“Are you coming?” Jörn catches me on my way back towards the kitchens
“I need to do something first,” I say and after he leaves I glance back into the outer hall and I see the usual suspects of two more smörgås Viking shadows just by the bend of the emergency door
I grab hold of the sleeve of Andreas’ jacket
“wait!” and I give a good yank
“Whoa skit!!! fan!!! You are stronger than you appear!” he says to me as I pull him with me back to the first kitchen
“So what is going on?”
“I swear I am not a part of this whole scheme!” he says in his defense
“Oh, so there is a scheme!?” I say and push him into the kitchen chair that parallels the floor to ceiling window exposing a view of Central Park
“I—as….fy….jävlar….” he sighs in defeat “….didn’t say that….” he looks out the window
“Listen….about your dad…. it is not that I don’t care or don’t love him, it is that I don’t know if I know who he really is because he shares so little of himself. And—it feels like …. Andreas, clearly, he is hiding so much! —that I swear!! I mean— I start to imagine his secret lives—I imagine he has kids with someone else or more than just one someone else…. how many or how meaningful are they to him—or am I …even?you see? I dont even know …. not just maybe he’s had secret marriages but what is he really hiding? Inside? Why won’t he be …. real….with me—he should know I am worth the risk by now but….” I look at Andreas and let go of his arm, “I’m sorry,” I say and take a breath and sit down, “I don’t like how it makes me feel. To put my faith in a person who keeps his whole life a secret from me …. I feel extremely insignificant to him…. or, at best, a kind of affliction he must slack when the mood comes over him—“
“He’s written an opera for you!”
“Gosh! ….you sound like your father!” I say and cover my face “you miss the subtle point…. where is he when I need him—the day to day?—the small moments of ….being connected, of trusting ….our shared comfortable silences that only comes from shared moments and time; learned; shared; time ….but what will happen when his game of musical chairs runs out of seats and all he has left is a cache of meaningless sex toys that no longer give him a rise? And he’s left with the last bimbo or whom ever —was dumb enough to take all the insults….and nobody really worth his time.”
“First of all, I don’t think he is married to more than one person,”Andreas laughs
“Oh are you sure? I’d not put it past him. He has a sex toy in every port ….I would bet,” I say as I sit back in the bistro chair and look out at the view and shrug, “but do you know what? I know ….he knows I am capable of knowing ….there is a deeper side to him ….and it is —I —guess he never got over his crutch…. they enable him in his fog —and he treats everyone the way he believes he was wronged by—who was she again?—he told me once—oh, I don’t know—but—so it’s easier to continue blind. I don’t know what I mean to him. I am not really even sure I mean anything to him. A passing curiosity. So I’d rather invest my faith in what I know and that is, nobody owns me, I don’t need anyone. I belong to me.” And after a breath I say, “I was never special to my father. Or my mother either. I was invisible to them. Sometimes I was not even sure I was there or existed…. I’ve been chasing a mirage, you see? To win that from some elusive ….Agamemnon…. to be that to him.Silly how things haunt you forever.”
“Well, all I know is,” Andreas pushes his chair back and stands up, “he’s not married to two people—or at least I can say; my mother is not one of them….”
He stands there and looks at me.
“What?” I say
“Since when?”
“Since never,” he says and with his father’s eyes he looks me straight in the eyes.
“But no—I mean, when she came— back in the Adirondaks and your grandmother was there and—“
“It’s been a stupid family joke—or I should say ‘lie’ ….”Andreas laughs, “nobody in Sweden gets married really these days so it doesn’t come up but—I guess once my grandmother made a big deal about it but…. my mother refused so they ….had a pretend ceremony to please my grandmother ….but I realized about a year ago that she knows it’s a lie but we are all forced to play her silly pretend family lie.”
It takes a long stunned moment to fully grasp what he has said
I sit back down.
21 January 2023
Film Noir Script scene notes continues: Lobby scene/getting mail
Camera shot of the apartment lobby
On left are the lifts/elevator
Behind camera would where mail boxes are
Directly ahead 12:00 is a desk reception
To the right and facing lifts is the main entrance
We are looking down from above but not high up at ceiling just high enough to see tops of heads
I spoke to an old friend of mine—Gerald from my bookstore days. He became a scholar but he was always an odd mix of science and metaphysics. He believes in the works of Edgar Casey and things of this nature
He calls me out of the blue today to say,
“I had a dream about you and thought I should tell you about it....”
He goes on to say,
“I saw him in the dream—you say his name is Jörn?”
But he says,
“you have unfinished business you two, that’s why he’s in your life.”
The lift door opens
and as this happens, Electra is facing out into the lobby
Jörn is seen by her now for the first time
He is on his way towards where the lift is but the penthouse uses a different lift than the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment building’s residences
He is on his way to one and in the moment as her lift door opens they are for the first time face to face
This should be a dramatic moment
As he would not have expected her in that moment, for one second, we see he is taken off guard
Jörn looks at Electra. His expression would be a bit stunned to see her just then, not quite prepared for it
Electra would miss his initial reaction as he sees her first. He is able to cover his look of surprise before she sees it.
As soon as he covers the expression is when she looks up
His expression is intentionally put on to seem annoyed or bored by her and her friend’s appearance which she may interpret as a kind of insulting rebuff, so, Jörn might appear as condescending at the moment
This may not have been his original intention but the quickest he was able to do as he is clearly a bit shaken by her appearance —which is only revealed by the manner in which he grips the handle of his cello case and accidentally bumps into someone
But all Electra catches is his unintended but insulting look which confuses her as she seems also quite shaken by something about him, presumably his physical appearance which we only know once he walks past to reach the other lift
So we see her turn to look at him, as she and Gerald leave their lift
And to emphasize this, Gerald is seen looking first oddly at Electra and then towards whom she stares at
Gerald: Electra!
[now Electra walks right into an obvious marble column]
Electra: ouch! [hurts herself on the column from her encounter and impact]
Jörn happens to see her do this but his expression is still in a kind of dazed stare
The stare is enigmatic and hard to interpret why even as we, the audience have our own suspicion
But Gerald catches Jörn’s expression noticing something about Jörn’s stare, before he glances curiously back at Electra
Gerald: do you recognize him from somewhere?
Electra: who?
Gerald: the guy with the cello
[they are on their way out and heading out towards the door to the street]
Electra: that stuck up guy? Did you see that condescending look he gave me?
As they leave the building, the expression Gerald has as he looks at Electra, walking out the door, strongly suggests that the look he saw Jörn give her was not how she called it at all which seems to make him wonder about why she is so upset by this as he hides almost a smile to alert the audience Gerald has picked up on her/their ‘energy’
Fade out this image of them leaving the door to the street
Open to same shot from interior as we now see, daylight trickles through the lobby windows as Jörn is seen walking in from outside with his cello
Camera angle now moves to the wall on the left where all the post boxes are
We now see Electra retrieving the mail and looking at the envelopes
Close up of business addressed envelopes, some bills, and things about the museum as envelopes addressed this way: Ethan Rhys-Jones Museum
She goes through the mail over and over looking for something. We see she is on the phone
Electra: no, the bank card isn’t here, and my other doesn’t work here so—it still hasn’t arrived, Gerald
We see Jörn watching her as he walks in the direction of the mailboxes and waits for her to end the call as he watches her with clear interest and clear intention he is about to approach her
his detail are much more clear
Impeccably dressed in the formal attire of a concert musician with black suit and jacket, etc. but other details reveal a much higher caliber of material detail. Shoes, watch (platinum—not designer as later it will be revealed this is his own design and make), his grooming is also perfect. His blonde hair is longish to reach a neat pony tail, tastefully pulled back, professional highlights in his hair, not in a gay manner, this should be more his own vanity and personality; even his nails air neatly manicured. There is a strong sense he could be deadly by his expression and his muscular build that is camouflaged under the black suit and black trench coat he wears over the suit
This should be a scene lit like an old black and white Film Noir; sharp shadows, more or less looking black and white for affect; for mood; the tones shift as the scene would allow it to influence the mood of the intrigue
she concludes her call with Gerald
she reaches to get her bag off her shoulder to put both her phone and the mail away, she then is seen from the side as Jörn is about to approach
She stands frozen as she recognizes him from earlier scene
He walks over but now his expression is friendly as he starts to approach her
This throws her off as she seems to go from wanting to head away from him to go to the penthouse lift until she sees his expression, so she stops and nervously waits for him to approach
Jörn: Electra? —American, right?
Electra: [looks up and waits]
He looks at the mailbox she just closed and touches the number
Jörn: your postal box is right next to mine— I keep getting your mail— I have it upstairs ….
Electra: oh!
Jörn: [takes out a fancy pen and a small notepad in a case. We watch him write down his name— Jörn Milstrom— he writes his flat number: 812 and tears it off then hands it to her] I can’t get to the penthouse so why don’t you come by when it is convenient to pick up your mail?
Film noir scene ‘Script Notes’ continued
Again—forgive the crudity and obvious crazy errors, I was sleep deprived from terror during the writing but I was constantly writing there just to stay alive (I have downplayed the events from last year for legal reasons) so even spelling my own name was confusing at times for me up until about March of 2022
Film noted continued/Scene
Scene opens:
What should appear quite obvious is that the layout of Jörn’s flat looks like how it looked in the hut. The places Jörn has chosen to place things. He has a wood burning stove in his flat that is in the exact place where the forge was in the hut. As this is the living room, the place where there is a kind of scandi style couch which would be facing the window that would have a view of Stockholm over the water. The couch has a shaggy white hide across it. Here we should zoom in. And as the camera moves to zoom on the hide, Electra too is in the frame as she too curiously hypnotized by the hide. Here there will be a quick flash of Elan holding the hide to her face to inhale the scent of Roal.
At this moment, Electra shudders
Then shrugs it off in the obvious way
She walks around and the camera pulls back as we see her casually circle back in the direction of where we see Jörn standing
It is an open plan kitchen. Everything is white, immaculate or of a natural, pale wood tone,
Electra walks around and seems mesmerized by the layout of the flat. She is oddly somehow drawn to stare
Jörn smiles looking up from making coffee using a French press, he shrugs casually and pours the coffee
Jörn: Oh the quiet? I had all the walls soundproof insulated because of my playing...I did it when I first got the place
Electra: Really?—so you can play as loud as you want all hours of the night if you feel like it?
Jörn: Yes. And do. That is why I did that. Sometimes in the middle of the night.... when I cannot sleep....[he shrugs]I always have been this way. I did it last night when you were asleep, did you hear?
OVERVOICE of Electra: I think as he watches me.... but it was a dream.... I thought
Jörn: It was one the things my wife could not stand about me
OVERVOICE: [ whispers this] he smiles like a lecherous vampire; the kind that wraps you in and keeps you willingly there.
Up to here^has been put in script
“Wait....” I say, “I heard you at the piano....? Or was that part of....” but then I remember my dream suddenly.... because it was so strange. I remember music.
I’ve used this part now:
[[[[.... I remember it was like some Bela Lugosi scene only —it was some place outside ....with the moon. It was such a strange dream. Yes, it was an early or ....late sky; a pale light ....outside—somewhere....cold with snow and something else that was odd. A fire pit of some kind. Like a kind of forge. And everything was gray. The sky and the frozen ground.... all the same]]]]
This makes me shudder now
He’s watching me in a strange way. He turns his head to look down at me and studies me, his head to one side,
“does my playing disturb your sleep?”
Have used the part in script now
[[[His question baffles me. I almost don’t comprehend his words. It seems almost like another language. And it is as if instead I heard him say something else —that makes no sense.... I try almost to hear —that instead.... ]]]]]
he hands me coffee
And as I take the coffee....I know. It feels....like a flashback —I take it from him.... and our hands briefly touch.... yes it feels— like we have done this so many times before
The fire pit....]]]
I look up at him now and remember the question,
“no.... it does not disturb....” I say this even as a warm shudder rushes through me
I think too of last night with him.... and how sometimes in sleep....we join.... it happens in sleep....it’s happened before—and it seems to mix with dreams. And scenes of memories like a movie I don’t know why I see. But he feels, every time, more and more ....like part of ....my self; part of a subconsciousness; shared....
Does his playing disturb....?
Yes, I remember him getting up in the night and watching his shadows on the wall. As if I expected him to....
You look like your father, I see that as ....I’ve been looking things up about him....”
“What did you mean the other day when you told me that I looked familiar to you when you first saw me?”
He tries to find words. I watch him draw his brows together and he begins to smile but it’s an awkward smile, he shrugs,
“like from a dream. Or a story.... that feels more like an old memory—blurry but real....and it is only real because of the strange emotions—emotions....? Is that what I mean....?” he looks into my eyes again and still holds my face in his hands and shakes his head,”I knew what your voice would sound like before you even spoke— at first I was going to ignore how curious it made me—but then I saw you again and.... this time your eyes briefly met me—“
I suddenly remember this now. It was a day with Nigel.... the day with Eliot.... I only saw Jörn in passing as we were in the lobby and he stepped out of the elevator. He seemed to be laughing to himself as he looked over at us and I remember feeling almost insulted by his expression of superior disdain and wondering what it meant. And why it bothered me
We both are at that moment together right now as we both think of this day in the lobby
I remember how my heart jolted when I saw him—and it was irrational to me ....I remember thinking. And strange too I was attracted to his insulting grin as he stared at me with those pirate’s undead eyes that burned like sparks of lightning.
He says now to me,
“I was reading the part again in your blog—the entry about when you had been approached by an investigator back in The Hague—and something about that really sticks out in my mind....”
“Why?” I ask why ....but I am really wondering how far back he has read. So many of my entries are meant to just analyze through streams of consciousness; so I find myself quite disconcerted
“Because —you said you had something happen to you.... some mystery about how your arm became suddenly paralyzed....?”
It is how he says this that makes me shudder now but I nod.
“Your legal father—“ but he stops himself when he sees me shudder again. He is analyzing my expression far closer than makes me feel comfortable. Instead he says, “he traveled for his business— did you say that one day he left suddenly on a mysterious business trip after —“
I interrupt him,
“the blood test —yes. I know what you’re thinking....”
Jörn sighs,
“your father’s business had to have been a cover operative and things don’t make sense about what happened after your return to the US. Why your assault was never reported and you were never taken to see a doctor....”
I pull away, I go to sit at the table and set down the coffee cup.
I don’t like these things about my past. I hate remembering them. I cover my face inside my hands. Close my eyes.
At first I feel him just watch me for awhile. After a couple of minutes he sits down too across from me at the table
“So you think you are piecing together clues,” I say now. “What is that about? Do you think there’s an old Cold War political plot?” I force a laugh
“No, min lilla duva, I think that your legal father was trying to have you murdered— what was the cause of the paralysis? Did they ever discover the reason? Some kind of virus was it? But then the doctor discovered you had a spinal injury from childhood....”
“Jörn—even if there is some kind of mystery there, do you really think it has any baring on the present?” I ask
“You say you are interested in learning about the purpose of each of our lives; existentialism; purpose and Truth; what your project you say is all about,” he continues holding me caught in his accuracy, “your blog ....you as you write you are delving through and searching for purposes of ones meaning or the significance of an individual’s individual identity.... why these differences in all of us have purpose—isn’t that what you said the other night?”
....the champagne on New Years.... I forgot about this conversation—evidently I became philosophical about myself and isn’t that always awkward the next day?
“The only way to look at truth, my tragic Electra, is by acknowledging the whole truth about who you are—do you understand the necessity of acknowledgement? Otherwise you are not really wholly conscious, are you? So how can any personal discovery hold merit as a Truth?”
“Ok—yes,” I hear his words but he misses something else, “how do I do that now when these crimes are too late to be put to justice—for this purpose of acknowledgment??”
“But is that not the whole purpose of your ‘dictionary’—defining, you are defining, yes? That is your proof that you search for. The one that gives you permission. You are caught in your own shackles and will run out of air unless you give the mermaid back her voice.”
“Only there is no way I can tell my story..... not here. Not in this country. You understand that don’t you? I mean why.... why I still have to keep my real identity secret.”
He does not respond right away but seems instead to search my face before he says,
“you are an artist haunted by a past and the only way to be released is through your work expression. Your work is necessary not for commercial success so much as the need to express this as an artist’s right for existence. The irony of notoriety and the need to be recognized....” he chuckles like it is a personal inside joke. He shrugs, “you need to get this out.....maybe you should do it in Stockholm....” then says in his language, as if only for himself:
“gör en svensk film. Det skulle vara en psykologisk thriller. Kallar det en modern Electra. Vad sägs om en ordlista på svenska? Kalla det konst.”
Only I don’t know what he is saying only that I sense ....as I always have: language is a good place to hide
a dictionary
4 January 2019 Dear Me, notes to a stranger
When I open my mouth to speak no sound is heard
People say ‘you can never really run away...’ or ‘you can never go home again...’
Maybe this is why I am lost
I search for identity. I search for myself .... only I am not really looking for myself
not exactly
It is meaning I search for. As in....regards to purpose. As in the individual’s purpose. So in searching for ‘myself’ it is more that I am searching for a personal brand of purpose as relevant meaning ....for some greater whole; universe.
Does that mean I am some kind of zealot? That I am deluded in thinking that there is any purpose for our universe? Any purpose to our universe?
The universal consciousness.... well, I don’t really care if anyone considers me deluded this way. For me, it is more necessary to search for this Essential Truth
Whether I make sense to anyone.... I have only become tired of searching for proof
Because I cannot quit myself, can I? I cannot escape my own thoughts. I have done exercises where I change my way of thinking or changed my narrow opinions of some matters I fall into being blind about as I know I am not perfect.... I do know that—but after sifting through the debris of my mind over years of discussion with all walks of life, studies through research and my own travels which this last few years I have done a lot of
....well, I have found that one cannot escape oneself nor one’s essential truths
They just haunt you
And chase you down..... to be true to the Self is .... the actual teacher. It is so easy to believe that the Self are the negative criticisms you find yourself guilty of
I call my alter ego Electra
Because at the center of my madness
....yes my madness..... because I realize that this chaos I live within is a kind of madness
I cannot live without my madness.... you see, the center is my father’s rejection of me from my earliest life memory. It devastated me as a child
It influenced my understanding of my own importance to the opposite gender. It was like having been told my own gender was not acceptably up to my father’s standards.... it’s an innate sense all the way inside of my own personal self value. I did not adequately measure up to my father, in my mind and so I felt emasculated of my feminine gender
and to compound this was the Oedipal secret that I am unable to speak of
Except here
through suggestion. The riddles. The themes. The themes.... which are the hints of codes to follow
It is a dictionary I write. A dictionary that lists my versions of meanings of words. My invented codes that let me hide my clues kept only for me.
Or the very very clever
I dare you
It is such a heavy .....shame—so Electra bears it
As I run away from Chris, my estranged husband to people that reflect with fun house mirrors warped reflections back to me
“Mirrors should reflect before throwing back images,” Cocteau said, and forgive me for loosely quoting him this way.... he also said, “there is nothing worse to a poet to be admired through being misunderstood....” his tragedy of a poet
I did not feel seen by Chris. I felt invisible to him. I don’t know why unless it was that I felt he did not hear ....what my heart was asking him for
It was to be acknowledged and to have this reinforced by expressing to me his acceptance —for all that I am.
To heal the rejection
It was wrong to need this from him. I suppose. But it was what I needed
You cannot run away from your essential self. This I have found. Even if I have tried the Pavlov conditioning to convince myself that my sense of gender is good enough for the opposite gender for which I long for.... I will never believe it
Electra’s dictionary is code for Oedipal’s dictionary, as in accordance with Heraclitus
When I look up at Jörn I see he has been reading this.....
He says,
“Your voice is lost here.... but maybe it’s the language.”
20 January 2023
The Script continues; scene: How the modern spy story opens in the script
A quick long shot view of Jörn from above leaving the New York philharmonic carrying a cello and dressed in musician formal performing attire
Fade out
Fade in
Outside the Manhattan apartment building where Electra’s late father’s penthouse is
Next image: streams of sunlight make horizontal patterns of shadows and sunlight that come from the horizontal blinds (symbolic)
This should look like a 1940’s s looking interior of an private office; film noir-ish as if Humphrey Bogart is about to show up. Almost like a retro Private Eye Investigator style . All surfaces are immaculately kept, uncluttered. Only basics, nothing personal is seen out anywhere no phots, no family mementos
The cameras first shot The decor of the room. is to set the mood of current day’s mood of the film; drawing on tongue in cheek poke at Scandi-noir while also using style film noir for poetic license for storyline and heavy use of black and white
Streamline furniture; leathers, wood, masculine; black, brown tones. Dark tones, lush wood, highly polished and immaculate highly polished, 1940s style desk, dark wood, highly polished1940s leather chairs; 1940s style desk lamp
The cameras first shot of the horizontal lights coming through blinds , pulls back and softens as it , pulls back to scope the emaculate office, touching on beautiful damask black wallpaper , brown wainscot, square lampshades ,
Next the camera moves to the highly polished desk
Now we see details. On the desk in a neat pile are dossiers of people, stapled and paper clipped with small ID photos in left corner
We now see the hands of the offices inhabitant; well manicured, clean hands that would belong to a musician as his hands are now seen going through the dossier files. The names and characters depict various types of looking people from multiple countries; all ethic and racial groups, but including Russian, German, Israeli, Muslim, etc.
In the manner in which he is going through the files, he clearly appears to be searching for something/someone by how quickly he is searching
He pulls out one of the dossiers but the camera instead pulls back all the way, until we see the full length left profile of him, looking intently down at it as he holds the papers in his hand to closely read the dossier holding it in his right hand
And only now we realize he is on a call, as he is holding his phone with his left hand
Jörn: I’ve transferred back from Stockholm. Just arrived…. Yes i saw the intel…. We think Al-Qaeda …. I have rehearsal tonight at the symphony, it will have to be tomorrow
Camera now goes from his left profile, moves to face him full view with office window behind him. And as this happens he turns left to look out the window through the blinds as we see him in profile, looking outside
Voice of Agent with Dutch accent speaks; voice only: and why the interest in my girl
Jörn: i think she has the code (close up of his eyes from the side as he is looking out the window, as he pulls down the planks of the blinds through narrowed eyes, pulling two blinds down, to thoughtfully look down at the street below; a side street outside a Stockholm apartment building)
Dutch Agent: if she does —you are the only one who can get it from her
Close up now of a Letterhead on desk, on a sheet of stationary above printed letter; this pulled out but only now is it visible to us; it is an insignia; it is a form of his initials but look shockingly like the Vikings markings in earlier shot/death scene.
Jörn turns from window now and goes back to desk and pulls out another dossier from the stack which we had not previously seen —it is in a different kind of folder, minilla, and creases from years, and packed with files and papers, here now close of of old photos. There is a picture of a young 14 aged Electra with her mother on a boat in the Netherlands It is of a female who is our character ‘Electra’ the narrater and author of the film series
We see him looking slowly through all the photos, stopping at some to pause and brood over
Jörn: do we know where she is located these days? She moves around a lot
Willem: she has been at ten different addresses in five years ….I would narrow it down to somewhere in the US
Jörn: well, that is unfortunate ….
Black out here
Open to scene in black and white with hints of washed out color, overlay artwork of caricature of Electra in authors drawing
As the image shifts back to live, real life image, we see Electra in exact same pose in a Starbucks, “anywhere USA” and as the image transfers to real life, the camera moves smoothly around from allowing a clear view of her face, as the camera angle moves behind Electra
So now we see, she sits at thecoffee shop at a table. She has her iPad in front of her and is using as we close in on this angle
We see she is looking things up on Google