J'ai besoin de toi
© d.m.Lewis, 2013-present; Electra's dictionary is Copyright protected. These words and images (unless otherwise credited) are original to the author. All rights reserved
31 January 2022
27 January 2022
26 January 2022
all my wires are fried on my emotional circuit board. I feel nothing and too much at the same time. it is like riding horseback without holding the reins and trusting fate
I don’t know who I am right now but it will be all right whomever we become….
and stranger, I hope that you are ….really there; to note
22 January 2022
Part 1 “Tequila; A Page a Day(prequel)”/Another Story
They leave the coffee place and as they walk, unconsciously they fall into pace with each other even though they are, to note strangers, but they are not really, are they? Only no, they don’t think about this either, while they walk past airport shops, for there is no time for such fleeting thoughts as ….well her flight is eminently approaching
“So have you ever?” he asks her as they walk quickly past other masked travelers
“Have I ever what?”
“Been somebody’s unicorn….?”
“Well, I’ve had —you know….stalkers —who —“
“Yeah— who thought I was their unicorn, yeah….” she shudders
“Christ—no, actually I meant it the other way—“
“Huh….?” she glances up at him as he says,
“the extra party—trois….”
and again the spots of bright color appear on her alabaster complexion. But she turns suddenly as though something has caught her eye in a shop window
“Oh, I love these!” she says going into the shop which is filled with bohemian objects; she goes past batik print tapestries, takes a moment to inspect the designs and touch the fabric, but then swiftly moves on to stare at a wall of macramés hangings, captured by the deep emerald color of one but then is mesmerized by the red clay pots as tall as she.
But it is this which got Beth’s attention —she goes over to a display of bracelets; bangles, cuffs, leathers and the kind with little glass beads and she tries them on but they don’t look right on her; they are all too big for her wrist and fall right off; she puts them back with a sad sigh
He says,
“so have you?”
“Have I…?” but she suddenly remembers the question she dodged, “so what was that about tequila?” she happens to notice they pass one of many airport bars just now, “oh that place looks interesting, since you are stuck here anyway, let’s see if they have tequila—“ only now she realizes the time,
“but ohhh…. look, it’s getting closer to my boarding time….”
“You still have one hour,” he tells her, “unless yours gets delayed too.”
“Oh you wish!”
“What do I wish?” he asks her and it is something in how he says this
Beth swiftly turns around to look at him and shocking her, his expression is intensely serious
“No I meant….” she says, but forgets what she means to say; there is a weird stab that is actually physical, as she looks up at him, when caught inside his eyes, that makes her stumble, but he catches her
He says
“Let’s see if they have tequila ….”
They go inside
It is deceptively small inside, once past the entrance; it seems all the customers prefer the bar where there is a slight crowd. But past the length of this, in search of a seat there, a waiter in black uniform suggests they sit in the dining area.
He directs them there.
There are only four little tables arranged privately like little booths. The waiter lets them choose which one
And once seated he asks,
“so what can I get for you?”
“We were wondering if you have tequila,” Stefan says
“We have a selection. Do you have one you prefer?”
In the end Stefan says,
“we’ll just do shots of each.”