05 September 2024

I say thank you.and giggle despite myself

I run.i run like mad.i run to the university to run away from myself.i am lost in thought.i pass two female students who mistake me as one and one calls out to me, “I love your hair!”

I look over my shoulder to see if she meant someone else.no, me

and find I don’t know what to make of this. 

04 September 2024

what about a new history

What makes anywhere historic? Of course, we know the answer to this, but I mean something else more vague and more romantic in that idyllic way.

As I’d love to wander down the streets of history as I once did through medieval streets

   to imagine where my writers dreamed their characters …. to me, those would be historical places

I want to go to all those places. Where the Brontës dwelled, and down what avenues; what sunsets and from where did they watch? Oh to stand exactly there. Yes, I would walk along far from the maddening crowd.

The streets of Bloomsbury are history too to anyone who got lost inside those romantics; those artists; that world that was that shaped a social mindset 

like under Kerouac’s window I have sat in Northport was like touching history. Visiting Cervantes’ home was magical to me at age seven—that I still recall. Being shown the exact spot where Picasso sat when we were in Monaco when I was a child— was truly magical. 

Yes, that is a history I’d visit like a museum; upon silent streets that hold their mute secrets. 

To muse from such places my heroes stood and breathed and laughed and delighted in life. To capture it in a bell jar of thought. 

I am half tempted to create my own historical place because. I’ve never known any unknown odd place that begs for it.you only notice the nuances hidden when on foot….just follow the yellow ….sunflowers 

the home inside

I have lived in the mid Atlantic, on the west coast, I was born in the south, lived in the south, had half an adult life on the east cost and had another half in the Midwest and grew up in another country 

and everywhere I go I take 

     all our celves with us.

always packed light. walk swiftly. don’t stop and see wherever the road leads. 


 find I don’t mind

In the sun






