Break the Mold Media; Electra’s dictionary reincarnates
At your screen it says:
Start: “click here”
Drawing of hands tapping text into a phone and some of the words can be seen
A voice over says as she taps into a phone screen:
Do past and present lives overlap?
I would not have thought so had it not been for dreams I have had which shown of things that turned out to be found at archeological sites
But some dreans are not dreams
Some dreams can take over your life
Sound of hands type as a fade into an animation drawing of a computer screen with a man’s hands typing at a key board.
The drawing of the desk is a messy surface covered with details of the person whose desk it is faded behind and too blurry here to see
What is dimly visible in the shadowy room is a half empty cigarette box, matchbook left open, crumpled post-it papers, several soda-pop bottles with most of it drank, a coffee cup with a molding substance crud-ding it, and a half eaten pizza slice
at the top of the screen, the company logo that reads: Break the Mold Media
—just out of view of the drawing’s image— A desk phone suddenly loudly rings