using poetic language is one form to hide within codes but I can also see how it may be possible to use the genre of fantasy fiction to do this too
© Electra's dictionary is Copyright protected. These words are original to the author.
the surgical prod into the infection …. begins here
what I came out of six months ago—did my head in and in such ways that perhaps was my most damaging of all experiences
partly for the length of time I endured it and much because the person(s) was/were a part of my past and used this/these things cruelly and sadistically ….what I could not clearly see was it was because of their jealousy and so used their will to exact revenge when they might have instead chosen to rise above and be ….better humans
“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”—*
despite my combat instincts I ….I realize am often hampered out of my strange consideration to be polite
my downfall
that seems the weakness I have often let destroy me
call it karmic politeness
I fear if I turn down a kindness generously offered …. will smack me later in the ass
*quoted, of course, from Tennessee Williams’ play, “A Streetcar Named Desire” as said by Blanche DuBois
it is something innate which has been so long a part of me to not ever look back once a situation is behind me. perhaps it is connected to combat mode; a survival technique ….to always be ready ….for reflecting upon a trauma or a glimpse of lost joy would put in jeapaedy the means to survive
so, I hesitate as I consider perhaps possibly reflecting upon …. you know…. what I shan’t say with literal words just as yet —because ….
I’d rather just refer to it in general terms ….first ….
and I only consider this because I believe it may be something like assessing the strength of my ammunition …. checking for damage …. the weakest and broken parts
as…. I start to see it is necessary in order to go somewhere better than….
where I’ve been
it may be the only way
last night I dreamed I was in a big open sea and drowning. the darkness swallowing me. all day it is with me. does it feel it portends or just what is….
e.d. our riddle it seems unsolvable because riddles are not meant to be solved and ….you are my best friend because you are the only thing that is …..real
When I shut off the water, I find a bamboo towel neatly folded on a clear bench and wonder if that had been there before. I walk across towards the round bed in search of my discarded clothes on the floor which…. are no longer there
but instead, I find neatly folded on the bed, khaki shorts and a striped navy blue and white t-shirt and a folded piece of paper with something stapling it shut; like a cuff link or a small tie pin—stuck through it. Outside the fold, in familiar writing is written ‘note from a stranger’
I pull the metal piece out, now with more interest, realize it is like an earring post with what appears to be a diamond
‘Put this on and I can always find you~meet me downstairs outside, I’ll bring you in the atv~’
I go to the nearest mirror above the clam shaped Bakelite dresser and put it on and
as there’s nothing else to wear, I slip on the shorts and t-shirt and stepping into my sandals, grab my bag, head straight down with hair still dripping head out
Thoughts flow clearest best when the present is possible to be drowned
running motors; howling winds; raging storms; brutal workouts; crashing water….
it seems hard to reach that temple inside
there was such peace within the cool stone interiors of the cathedrals
I recall the serenity —but not from their priests
because rituals are excuses to —avoid—and the serenity I also did find amongst the Druid groves
and perhaps it was even stronger amongst those woods and forest floors where the dark green moss grew by the kelpies’ ponds
It is time to return to my post. These intervals in between are not permanent.
Where is Jörn? But the time on my phone alarms me.
Only once I turn on the shower heads do I realize the walls they stream from are glass and I can see the world outside; like standing in some waterfall of the fjords and looking down at passing memories of sailing boats through water valleys that lead out to more lost memories
and this is when I realize that I dreamed. It is what woke me. I was walking and carrying something heavy on my back. Following ….behind
I was watching a sunrise
It was the drumming that woke me like a warning. A drumming that vibrated the ground
where were we going? there was a feeling of such dread as I looked upon the worn and trodden path that recalled me to faces and snatches of emotions, like memories ….kept somewhere deep in the treasure chest recesses ….and squeezed my throat painfully as it blended with the rotten smell of blood on the air