05 October 2021

footnotes for e.d.


I am not at all attached to any particular city the story opens in—it does not have to be New York, it can be nearly anywhere; Amsterdam, London, Paris, Stockholm— it just must be a somewhat international and cosmopolitan place that has a symphony orchestra and would be a natural habitat for spy games. I can adjust the plot around it; adjust the infamous and notorious illegitimate father’s political background and life causes 

today’s morass (edited)

as I talk to mm about the scenes and the story she says,

“those flashback scenes; the story of the Viking and duva, —you know, his battle scenes, their journey on the boat—it’s so important to the story….but you know, for it to be done right it ….will be expensive….”

so I think about that

to create modern mythology it really must be perfectly staged —and I am such a perfectionist about what I am trying to say, it’s quite mad I realize—and, I am crazy, we have established —a mad philosopher/artist and I can’t help it, I won’t rest till I do this only…. she is right. so how do I pander myself if this is what is required? 

….popular genre, love story, struggles with modern day themes of identity

 —I don’t think I’d be required to pander —plus there is the tongue in cheek James Bond storyline—but in my noir world which ….is a bit fucked up—but that can be fun…. especially when he dresses dresses like Greta (but that would require no dialogue and subtlety of angles and shadow to convey the mirror/with the secret he stands for) …. I could spend a month on the storyboards alone …. like the scenes at the piano and the shadows on the wall ….but so many scenes to get through…. and an adhd mind with a plethora of thoughts constantly cramming every idea

Hitchcock noir and horizontal blinds (to refer to the parallels of the lives)…. odd angles from down the hall and the triangle of light from a single lamp …. too many details? see, I don’t know when to stop

monsters in the closet

sometimes I get the feeling it is the need to distract from so much pain so, I just make myself do outrageous things …. otherwise I would go back to what I used to do…. I think that’s why I keep running but—you know, I can’t run away from it because…. it is—in here 

 [desperate hour/to delete later]

04 October 2021

thoughts of the legend ‘project e.d.’



MM tells me to come up with the final rough draft scripts for thirteen episodes so the synopses can be completed ….while D has me practicing horrors drawn of my life in monologues as I wonder over his point in my doing this 

….as I begin the mammoth work of breaking things down into thirteen episodes, dragging myself, I think about an earlier conversation last week —as we discuss approaches forward, funding, possible theatre house ideas…. and whilst discussing money, agents, etc R tells me that someone has showed interest in E.D. and said they wanted to do it but —we’d have to get funding— of course —never! —as it is my project! 

he says I should take it as a good sign my film concept is a good idea (but I knew that) 

then later as we chat, he suddenly tells me that he has just realized he knows someone in the Swedish symphony who might know ~him; yes that would be interesting, I think

&, no I could not just see it once, I’d have to go back again and again 

02 October 2021

notes from a crypt

 det verkar tragiskt jag kan inte se det.  som jag kan se skulle du göra en så sexig demon

01 October 2021

thoughts on a Celf left on the shelf


in this whole theatre of mine 

….. it is all about …..this searching for meaning 

                                              But even more, sometimes it is also about identity ….

How many times as a child did I have to reinvent myself whenever we moved….changing schools; peer pressures, bullies…. new mask, new shield ….a kind of artistry to it but…. you get so lost in there

I stumble over —what do I call myself 

and return to Electra as the natural conclusion 

born of illegitimate secrets and a pinned on name that was never my own that …. I could not wait to discard it…. then each name I hence acquired by marriage carried their heavy shackles but …. 

what’s in a name?

and so, yet again

 —a rose by any other name….


am I not who I created after all? by intention or weird fortune this Frankenstein born of unheard of sums of algorithms…. but then so aren’t we all ?

never simplify 

maybe I am just a satire with its own natural conclusion