MM tells me to come up with the final rough draft scripts for thirteen episodes so the synopses can be completed ….while D has me practicing horrors drawn of my life in monologues as I wonder over his point in my doing this
….as I begin the mammoth work of breaking things down into thirteen episodes, dragging myself, I think about an earlier conversation last week —as we discuss approaches forward, funding, possible theatre house ideas…. and whilst discussing money, agents, etc R tells me that someone has showed interest in E.D. and said they wanted to do it but —we’d have to get funding— of course —never! —as it is my project!
he says I should take it as a good sign my film concept is a good idea (but I knew that)
then later as we chat, he suddenly tells me that he has just realized he knows someone in the Swedish symphony who might know ~him; yes that would be interesting, I think